


아래 그림 처럼 관리자 대시 보드가 깨지네요..

추가 설치한 애드온은 다 지워 봤습니다..

어떤걸 확인해야 될까요?

아파치 에러로그는 이렇게 뜨네요..

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getTitle() on array in /its/xe/files/cache/template_compiled/702fc0c70362ea85e18d26f3c77d6a7e.compiled.php:32\nStack trace:\n#0 /its/xe/classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php(384): include()\n#1 /its/xe/classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php(175): TemplateHandler->_fetch('file:///its/xe/...')\n#2 /its/xe/files/cache/template_compiled/6e90905c2fc05923e8ed3eee1df62c4c.compiled.php(67): TemplateHandler->compile('modules/admin/t...', '_dashboard_coun...')\n#3 /its/xe/classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php(384): include('/its/xe/files/c...')\n#4 /its/xe/classes/template/TemplateHandler.class.php(175): TemplateHandler->_fetch('file:///its/xe/...')\n#5 /its/xe/classes/display/HTMLDisplayHandler.php(61): TemplateHandler->compile('./modules/admin...', 'index.html')\n#6 /its/xe/classes/display/DisplayHandler.class.php(65): HTMLDisplayHandler->toDoc(Object(adminAdminView))\n#7 /its/xe/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php(1023): DisplayHandler->printContent(Object(adminAdmin in /its/xe/files/cache/template_compiled/702fc0c70362ea85e18d26f3c77d6a7e.compiled.php on line 32, referer: http://URL





태그 연관 글
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  2. [2017/01/12] 묻고답하기 admin 페이지 메뉴 오류 by 쿠닌 *2
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