
제가 도메인을 구매하고 지금 홈페이지 제손으로 만들고 이번에 네이버에 등록하라고 이러는중에

메일이 왔는대 ......... 도대체 먼말인지모르겠네요 ㅠㅠ 왜 제도메인이 만료 된다고 하고 .........

제가 영어 가 정말 백지장이라 ..........자세한 뜻이나 영어 문장 이해도 가 부족해요 ㅠㅠ....

도대체 왜 이런메일이 오는걸까요??.......제가 홈페이지 한글도메인이나 그런거 몇개 만들었는대.........

Attn: song jae hun
As a courtesy to domain name holders, we are sending you this notification for your business Domain name search engine registration. This letter is to inform you that it's time to send in your registration.
Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may result in cancellation of this offer making it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web.
Privatization allows the consumer a choice when registering. Search engine registration includes domain name search engine submission. Do not discard, this notice is not an invoice it is a courtesy reminder to register your domain name search engine listing so your customers can locate you on the web.
This Notice for: will expire at 11:59PM EST, 1 - Jun. - 2016 Act now!

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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