

사람들 알림센터 내역을보니 6월 3일? 4일? 정도까지밖에 기록이안남아있습니다. (현재는 기록을 지웠음. 혹시 기록오류인가해서..)

내역에 없는거로보니 알림수집자체를 안하는거같아요.

사이트주소는 sonakize.kr 입니다.

location : ko
package : XE
host : http://sonakize.kr/
app : Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
xe_version : 1.8.21
php : 7.0.4-7ubuntu2.1
db_type : mysqli
use_rewrite : Y
use_db_session : N
use_ssl : none
phpext : core, libxml, openssl, zlib, mysqlnd, xml, calendar, curl, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, iconv, exif, mcrypt, mysqli, pdo_mysql, phar, readline, shmop, simplexml, sockets, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, wddx, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zend opcache
module : adminlogging(1.7), advanced_mailer(1.8.1), analytics(1.0.1), attendance(7.0.1), auto_login(1.1.4), board(1.7.2), exam(0.8), iconshop(0.4), keywordstatistics(0.3), krzip(1.8.0), licencexe(0.5.4), loginlog(1.4.0beta), lottery(0.1), menunew(0.1), msg_admin(0.1), ncenterlite(2.1.11), pointhistory(0.1.4), popup(, portalpoint(1.2), profiler(1.0), quizgame(0.1), referer(3.9.3), rockgame(0.4), sejin7940_comment(1.5), sejin7940_copy(1.3.3), sejin7940_nick(1.0.2), seo(1.8.19), services(0.1.4), stats(1.1.1), syndication(5.0.0), timeline(1.0.2)
addon : AntiProxy(1.0.0), aa_add_vote_list(1.0.1), aa_insert_ad(1.0.0), addon_insert_video(0.1), addon_write_insert_media(0.1), adminlogging(1.7), blockact(1.0), bootstrap3_css(1.0), bootstrap_btn(1.0), browser_helper(1.0), cameron_mobile_nav(2.1), cameron_plugin(1.2), captbha(0.5), captcha_member(1.7), change_nickname(2.0), counter_ex(1.1.0), denied_exist(0.2), download_wanna_reply(1.0), elkha_www(0.11), fileicon(1.1), ggstopspam(0.1), guest_name(1.1.2), hide_mid(0.1.0), hot_document(1.2.3), image_preview(1.0), jquery_external_load(2.0), jquerycdn(1.0.3), jqueryuicdn(1.0), keywordstatistics(0.1), member_control(0.1), member_icon_print(0.3), multimedia_thumbnail(2.0.0), new_document_notify(2.0), oembed(1.0), placeHolders(1.0), point_pang_pang(1.1), point_pangpang_plus(0.2b), popup_opener(, referer(3.5.1), regdate_edit(0.1), scrolltopcontrol(1.1.0), sejin7940_addvote(1.2), sejin7940_all_notice(1.4), sejin7940_autotrash(1.1.1), sejin7940_mobile_resize(1.0), setitle2(2.1.0), show_document_reader(0.1.2), show_ncenter_read(0.1.1), soo_parking(0.25), stats(1.1), updatecategory(1.0)
layout : awake(1.0.4), awake2(1.6), doorweb_v4(1.7), neat(1.5.8), phizRWDThemes(1.2), xe_official(1.7), xedition(1.9), user_layout(1.7)
widget : cameronCategory(1.0), cameronListOne(1.0.2), cameronSlider(1.0.2), cameronWebzineTop(1.0.1), counter_status(1.7), ding_loginWidget(0.5), level_point(1.0), member_group(0.1), moonchat(2.0), rank_point(1.0), slideimg(1.1.2), today_login(0.1), ()
widgetstyle : neat_more(1.0), neat_side(0.1), neat_slider_ws(1.0), simple(1.7), sweetMobileWidgetStyle(1.7), wbox_blank(1.0)
max_file_uploads : 20
post_max_size : 8M
memory_limit : 128M

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