
    <load target="bootstrap.min.css" />
    <load target="./js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" />
    <load target="./bootstrap.min.js" />
    <load target="./docs.min.js" />
    <load target="./ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js" />
    <load target="./js/jssor.slider.mini.js" />

     <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {

            var options = {
                FillMode: 2,                                       //[Optional] The way to fill image in slide, 0 stretch, 1 contain (keep aspect ratio and put all inside slide), 2 cover (keep aspect ratio and cover whole slide), 4 actual size, 5 contain for large image, actual size for small image, default value is 0
                $AutoPlay: true,                                    //[Optional] Whether to auto play, to enable slideshow, this option must be set to true, default value is false
                $Idle: 4000,                            //[Optional] Interval (in milliseconds) to go for next slide since the previous stopped if the slider is auto playing, default value is 3000
                $PauseOnHover: 1,                                   //[Optional] Whether to pause when mouse over if a slider is auto playing, 0 no pause, 1 pause for desktop, 2 pause for touch device, 3 pause for desktop and touch device, 4 freeze for desktop, 8 freeze for touch device, 12 freeze for desktop and touch device, default value is 1

                $ArrowKeyNavigation: true,                          //[Optional] Allows keyboard (arrow key) navigation or not, default value is false
                $SlideEasing: $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutQuint,          //[Optional] Specifies easing for right to left animation, default value is $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutQuad
                $SlideDuration: 800,                               //[Optional] Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds, default value is 500
                $MinDragOffsetToSlide: 20,                          //[Optional] Minimum drag offset to trigger slide , default value is 20
                //$SlideWidth: 600,                                 //[Optional] Width of every slide in pixels, default value is width of 'slides' container
                //$SlideHeight: 300,                                //[Optional] Height of every slide in pixels, default value is height of 'slides' container
                $SlideSpacing: 0,                                   //[Optional] Space between each slide in pixels, default value is 0
                $Cols: 1,                                  //[Optional] Number of pieces to display (the slideshow would be disabled if the value is set to greater than 1), the default value is 1
                $ParkingPosition: 0,                                //[Optional] The offset position to park slide (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), default value is 0.
                $UISearchMode: 1,                                   //[Optional] The way (0 parellel, 1 recursive, default value is 1) to search UI components (slides container, loading screen, navigator container, arrow navigator container, thumbnail navigator container etc).
                $PlayOrientation: 1,                                //[Optional] Orientation to play slide (for auto play, navigation), 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 5 horizental reverse, 6 vertical reverse, default value is 1
                $DragOrientation: 1,                                //[Optional] Orientation to drag slide, 0 no drag, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 3 either, default value is 1 (Note that the $DragOrientation should be the same as $PlayOrientation when $Cols is greater than 1, or parking position is not 0)
                $BulletNavigatorOptions: {                          //[Optional] Options to specify and enable navigator or not
                    $Class: $JssorBulletNavigator$,                 //[Required] Class to create navigator instance
                    $ChanceToShow: 2,                               //[Required] 0 Never, 1 Mouse Over, 2 Always
                    $AutoCenter: 1,                                 //[Optional] Auto center navigator in parent container, 0 None, 1 Horizontal, 2 Vertical, 3 Both, default value is 0
                    $Steps: 1,                                      //[Optional] Steps to go for each navigation request, default value is 1
                    $Rows: 1,                                      //[Optional] Specify lanes to arrange items, default value is 1
                    $SpacingX: 8,                                   //[Optional] Horizontal space between each item in pixel, default value is 0
                    $SpacingY: 8,                                   //[Optional] Vertical space between each item in pixel, default value is 0
                    $Orientation: 1,                                //[Optional] The orientation of the navigator, 1 horizontal, 2 vertical, default value is 1
                    $Scale: false                                   //Scales bullets navigator or not while slider scale

                $ArrowNavigatorOptions: {                           //[Optional] Options to specify and enable arrow navigator or not
                    $Class: $JssorArrowNavigator$,                  //[Requried] Class to create arrow navigator instance
                    $ChanceToShow: 1,                               //[Required] 0 Never, 1 Mouse Over, 2 Always
                    $AutoCenter: 2,                                 //[Optional] Auto center arrows in parent container, 0 No, 1 Horizontal, 2 Vertical, 3 Both, default value is 0
                    $Steps: 1                                       //[Optional] Steps to go for each navigation request, default value is 1

            var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$("slider1_container", options);

            //responsive code begin
            //you can remove responsive code if you don't want the slider scales while window resizing
            function ScaleSlider() {
                var bodyWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
                if (bodyWidth)
                    jssor_slider1.$ScaleWidth(Math.min(bodyWidth, 1920));
                    window.setTimeout(ScaleSlider, 30);

            $(window).bind("load", ScaleSlider);
            $(window).bind("resize", ScaleSlider);
            $(window).bind("orientationchange", ScaleSlider);
            //responsive code end

    <!-- NAVBAR
    ================================================== -->
        /* use navbar-wrapper to wrap navigation bar, the purpose is to overlay navigation bar above slider */
        .navbar-wrapper {
            position: absolute;
            top: 20px;
            left: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 51px;
        .navbar-wrapper > .container {
            padding: 0;

        @media all and (max-width: 768px ){
            .navbar-wrapper {
                position: relative;
                top: 0px;
    <div class="navbar-wrapper">
        <div class="container">
            <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top" role="navigation" style="margin-bottom: 0px; ">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="navbar-header">
                        <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="navbar">
                            <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
                            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                        <a class="navbar-brand" href="../index">어스토어</a>
                    <div id="navbar" class="navbar-collapse collapse">
                        <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
                           <li loop="$global_menu->list=>$key1,$val1" class="active"|cond="$val1['selected']">
                              <a href="{$val1['href']}" target="_blank"|cond="$val1['open_window']=='Y'">{$val1['link']}</a>


    <div style="min-height: 50px; display:block; margin-top: -20px;">
        <!-- Jssor Slider Begin -->
        <!-- To move inline styles to css file/block, please specify a class name for each element. --> 
        <!-- ================================================== -->
        <div id="slider1_container" style="visibility: hidden; position: relative; margin: 0 auto;
        top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 1300px; height: 500px; overflow: hidden;">
            <!-- Loading Screen -->
            <div u="loading" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;">
                <div style="filter: alpha(opacity=70); opacity: 0.7; position: absolute; display: block;
                top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
                <div style="position: absolute; display: block; background: url(./img/loading.gif) no-repeat center center;
                top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;">
            <!-- Slides Container -->
            <div u="slides" style="cursor: move; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 1300px; height: 500px; overflow: hidden; display:block; ">
                    <img u="image" src2="./img/1920/slide01.jpg" />
                    <img u="image" src2="./img/1920/slide02.jpg" />
                    <img u="image" src2="./img/1920/slide03.jpg" />
                    <img u="image" src2="./img/1920/slide04.jpg" />
            <!--#region Bullet Navigator Skin Begin -->
            <!-- Help: http://www.jssor.com/tutorial/set-bullet-navigator.html -->
                /* jssor slider bullet navigator skin 21 css */
                .jssorb21 div           (normal)
                .jssorb21 div:hover     (normal mouseover)
                .jssorb21 .av           (active)
                .jssorb21 .av:hover     (active mouseover)
                .jssorb21 .dn           (mousedown)
                .jssorb21 {
                    position: absolute;
                .jssorb21 div, .jssorb21 div:hover, .jssorb21 .av {
                    position: absolute;
                    /* size of bullet elment */
                    width: 19px;
                    height: 19px;
                    text-align: center;
                    line-height: 19px;
                    color: white;
                    font-size: 12px;
                    background: url(./img/b21.png) no-repeat;
                    overflow: hidden;
                    cursor: pointer;
                .jssorb21 div { background-position: -5px -5px; }
                .jssorb21 div:hover, .jssorb21 .av:hover { background-position: -35px -5px; }
                .jssorb21 .av { background-position: -65px -5px; }
                .jssorb21 .dn, .jssorb21 .dn:hover { background-position: -95px -5px; }
            <!-- bullet navigator container -->
            <div u="navigator" class="jssorb21" style="bottom: 26px; right: 6px;">
                <!-- bullet navigator item prototype -->
                <div u="prototype"></div>
            <!--#endregion Bullet Navigator Skin End -->
            <!--#region Arrow Navigator Skin Begin -->
            <!-- Help: http://www.jssor.com/tutorial/set-arrow-navigator.html -->
                /* jssor slider arrow navigator skin 21 css */
                .jssora21l                  (normal)
                .jssora21r                  (normal)
                .jssora21l:hover            (normal mouseover)
                .jssora21r:hover            (normal mouseover)
                .jssora21l.jssora21ldn      (mousedown)
                .jssora21r.jssora21rdn      (mousedown)
                .jssora21l, .jssora21r {
                    display: block;
                    position: absolute;
                    /* size of arrow element */
                    width: 55px;
                    height: 55px;
                    cursor: pointer;
                    background: url(./img/a21.png) center center no-repeat;
                    overflow: hidden;
                .jssora21l { background-position: -3px -33px; }
                .jssora21r { background-position: -63px -33px; }
                .jssora21l:hover { background-position: -123px -33px; }
                .jssora21r:hover { background-position: -183px -33px; }
                .jssora21l.jssora21ldn { background-position: -243px -33px; }
                .jssora21r.jssora21rdn { background-position: -303px -33px; }
            <!-- Arrow Left -->
            <span u="arrowleft" class="jssora21l" style="top: 123px; left: 8px;">
            <!-- Arrow Right -->
            <span u="arrowright" class="jssora21r" style="top: 123px; right: 8px;">
            <!--#endregion Arrow Navigator Skin End -->
            <a style="display: none" href="http://www.jssor.com">Bootstrap Carousel</a>
        <!-- Jssor Slider End -->

    <!-- Marketing messaging and featurettes
    ================================================== -->
    <!-- Wrap the rest of the page in another container to center all the content. -->

    <div class="container marketing">

        <hr class="featurette-divider">

        <div class="row featurette">
            <div class="col-md-7">
              <img src="img/widget.png">
             <div class="col-md-5">
             <p>2차매뉴(4개가 제일 적당)</p>
                <ul loop="$global_menu->list=>$key1,$val1" cond="$val1['selected'] && $val1['list']" style="list-style : none;">
                    <li loop="$val1['list']=>$key2,$val2" class="active"|cond="$val2['selected']" style="display:inline; margin-right: 10px;">
                        <a href="{$val2['href']}" target="_blank"|cond="$val2['open_window']=='Y'">{$val2['link']}</a>
                            <ul cond="$val2['list']">
                                <li loop="$val2['list']=>$key3,$val3" class="active"|cond="$val3['selected']">
                                    <a href="{$val3['href']}" target="_blank"|cond="$val3['open_window']=='Y'">{$val3['link']}</a>

        <hr class="featurette-divider">

        <div class="row featurette">
            <div class="content">

        <hr class="featurette-divider">

        <div class="row featurette">
            <div class="footer">

        <hr class="featurette-divider">

        <!-- /END THE FEATURETTES -->
        <!-- FOOTER -->
            <p class="pull-right"><a href="#">최상단으로</a></p>
            <p>© ASTORE KOREA 2016 ~ 2016 · <a href="#">ASTORE</a> · </p>

    </div><!-- /.container -->

    <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript
    ================================================== -->
    <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->





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