댓글 페이징 버그
2016.08.07 09:14
[코멘트 간에 페이지 이동 문제 관련 질문]
게시글의 코멘트가 많은 코멘트 페이지에서 코멘트가 적은 코멘트페이지를 이동시 댓글이 출력되지 않음
게시글에 코멘트가 300개이상이라고 하자 , 하나의 코멘트 페이지의 코멘트가 50개 정도가 되면 페이징 수가 생긴다.
코멘트 페이지 수 2 페이지를 열람하고 , 다른 게시글의 코멘트 수가 적은 걸 열람 했을 때 댓글이 열리지 않는 다.
*동영상 참조 [ 바로보기 ]
동영상을 보시는 무얼 말하는 지, 알 수 있을 것 이다.
url의 붙는 cpage의 숫자 문제 때문인거 같다.
xe,라이믹스,수 많은 각종 게시판 스킨 테스트하였나 , 동일한 증상 발생
해당 원인을 해결을 할 수 있을 지?
[개인적으로 개선 됬으면 하는 의견]
게시판 설정에서 목록 수 , 페이지 수 처럼 코멘트 목록수, 페이지 수 설정이 가능 했으면...
rhymix 사용자으로써 제안?을 해보려고 한다.
XETOWN 에 제가 가지고있는 문제점과 똑같은 문제를 가지고있는 분을 발견해서 그 글을 가져왔습니다.
2013년도에는 공홈에 올라온 이 게시물을 통해 해결이 가능했지만, 지금 8.23 버전은 코드가 많이 달라서 여기서 알려준대로 수정하면 아예 XE사이트가 보이지 않게됩니다. https://www.xpressengine.com/qna/22114903
하여, 다른 방법이 필요합니다...
댓글 3
2016.08.07 10:17
2016.08.07 21:10
document.item.php 파일 말씀하시는게 맞나요 혹시..? ^^;;
아무리 찾아도 라자루스님이 말씀하신 그 코드가... 없습니다 ㅠ_ㅠ
XE바보라 죄송한데, 한 번만 더 설명 해주실수있을까요?
제 document.item.php 파일 코드입니다.
/* Copyright (C) NAVER <http://www.navercorp.com> */
* documentItem class
* document object
* @author NAVER (developers@xpressengine.com)
* @package /modules/document
* @version 0.1
class documentItem extends Object
* Document number
* @var int
var $document_srl = 0;
* Language code
* @var string
var $lang_code = null;
* Status of allow trackback
* @var bool
var $allow_trackback_status = null;
* column list
* @var array
var $columnList = array();
* allow script access list
* @var array
var $allowscriptaccessList = array();
* allow script access key
* @var int
var $allowscriptaccessKey = 0;
* upload file list
* @var array
var $uploadedFiles = array();/**
* Constructor
* @param int $document_srl
* @param bool $load_extra_vars
* @param array columnList
* @return void
function documentItem($document_srl = 0, $load_extra_vars = true, $columnList = array())
$this->document_srl = $document_srl;
$this->columnList = $columnList;$this->_loadFromDB($load_extra_vars);
}function setDocument($document_srl, $load_extra_vars = true)
$this->document_srl = $document_srl;
* Get data from database, and set the value to documentItem object
* @param bool $load_extra_vars
* @return void
function _loadFromDB($load_extra_vars = true)
if(!$this->document_srl) return;$document_item = false;
$cache_put = false;
$columnList = array();
$this->columnList = array();// cache controll
$oCacheHandler = CacheHandler::getInstance('object');
$cache_key = 'document_item:' . getNumberingPath($this->document_srl) . $this->document_srl;
$document_item = $oCacheHandler->get($cache_key);
if($document_item !== false)
$columnList = array('readed_count', 'voted_count', 'blamed_count', 'comment_count', 'trackback_count');
}$args = new stdClass();
$args->document_srl = $this->document_srl;
$output = executeQuery('document.getDocument', $args, $columnList);if($document_item === false)
$document_item = $output->data;//insert in cache
if($document_item && $oCacheHandler->isSupport())
$oCacheHandler->put($cache_key, $document_item);
$document_item->readed_count = $output->data->readed_count;
$document_item->voted_count = $output->data->voted_count;
$document_item->blamed_count = $output->data->blamed_count;
$document_item->comment_count = $output->data->comment_count;
$document_item->trackback_count = $output->data->trackback_count;
}$this->setAttribute($document_item, $load_extra_vars);
}function setAttribute($attribute, $load_extra_vars=true)
$this->document_srl = null;
$this->document_srl = $attribute->document_srl;
$this->lang_code = $attribute->lang_code;
$this->adds($attribute);// Tags
$tag_list = explode(',', $this->get('tags'));
$tag_list = array_map('trim', $tag_list);
$this->add('tag_list', $tag_list);
}$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
$GLOBALS['XE_DOCUMENT_LIST'][$attribute->document_srl] = $this;
$GLOBALS['XE_DOCUMENT_LIST'][$this->document_srl] = $this;
}function isExists()
return $this->document_srl ? true : false;
}function isGranted()
if($_SESSION['own_document'][$this->document_srl]) return true;if(!Context::get('is_logged')) return false;
$logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
if($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') return true;$oModuleModel = getModel('module');
$grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($this->get('module_srl')), $logged_info);
if($grant->manager) return true;if($this->get('member_srl') && ($this->get('member_srl') == $logged_info->member_srl || $this->get('member_srl')*-1 == $logged_info->member_srl)) return true;
return false;
}function setGrant()
$_SESSION['own_document'][$this->document_srl] = true;
}function isAccessible()
return $_SESSION['accessible'][$this->document_srl]==true?true:false;
}function allowComment()
// init write, document is not exists. so allow comment status is true
if(!$this->isExists()) return true;return $this->get('comment_status') == 'ALLOW' ? true : false;
}function allowTrackback()
static $allow_trackback_status = null;
// Check the tarckback module exist
$allow_trackback_status = false;
// If the trackback module is configured to be disabled, do not allow. Otherwise, check the setting of each module.
$oModuleModel = getModel('module');
$trackback_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('trackback');
$trackback_config = new stdClass();
if(!isset($trackback_config->enable_trackback)) $trackback_config->enable_trackback = 'Y';
if($trackback_config->enable_trackback != 'Y') $allow_trackback_status = false;
$module_srl = $this->get('module_srl');
// Check settings of each module
$module_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('trackback', $module_srl);
if($module_config->enable_trackback == 'N') $allow_trackback_status = false;
else if($this->get('allow_trackback')=='Y' || !$this->isExists()) $allow_trackback_status = true;
return $allow_trackback_status;
}function isLocked()
if(!$this->isExists()) return false;return $this->get('comment_status') == 'ALLOW' ? false : true;
}function isEditable()
if($this->isGranted() || !$this->get('member_srl')) return true;
return false;
}function isSecret()
$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
return $this->get('status') == $oDocumentModel->getConfigStatus('secret') ? true : false;
}function isNotice()
return $this->get('is_notice') == 'Y' ? true : false;
}function useNotify()
return $this->get('notify_message')=='Y' ? true : false;
}function doCart()
if(!$this->document_srl) return false;
if($this->isCarted()) $this->removeCart();
else $this->addCart();
}function addCart()
$_SESSION['document_management'][$this->document_srl] = true;
}function removeCart()
}function isCarted()
return $_SESSION['document_management'][$this->document_srl];
* Send notify message to document owner
* @param string $type
* @param string $content
* @return void
function notify($type, $content)
if(!$this->document_srl) return;
// return if it is not useNotify
if(!$this->useNotify()) return;
// Pass if an author is not a logged-in user
if(!$this->get('member_srl')) return;
// Return if the currently logged-in user is an author
$logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
if($logged_info->member_srl == $this->get('member_srl')) return;
// List variables
if($type) $title = "[".$type."] ";
$title .= cut_str(strip_tags($content), 10, '...');
$content = sprintf('%s<br /><br />from : <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>',$content, getFullUrl('','document_srl',$this->document_srl), getFullUrl('','document_srl',$this->document_srl));
$receiver_srl = $this->get('member_srl');
$sender_member_srl = $logged_info->member_srl;
// Send a message
$oCommunicationController = getController('communication');
$oCommunicationController->sendMessage($sender_member_srl, $receiver_srl, $title, $content, false);
}function getLangCode()
return $this->get('lang_code');
}function getIpAddress()
return $this->get('ipaddress');
}return '*' . strstr($this->get('ipaddress'), '.');
}function isExistsHomepage()
if(trim($this->get('homepage'))) return true;
return false;
}function getHomepageUrl()
$url = trim($this->get('homepage'));
if(!$url) return;if(strncasecmp('http://', $url, 7) !== 0 && strncasecmp('https://', $url, 8) !== 0) $url = 'http://' . $url;
return $url;
}function getMemberSrl()
return $this->get('member_srl');
}function getUserID()
return htmlspecialchars($this->get('user_id'), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
}function getUserName()
return htmlspecialchars($this->get('user_name'), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
}function getNickName()
return htmlspecialchars($this->get('nick_name'), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
}function getLastUpdater()
return htmlspecialchars($this->get('last_updater'), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
}function getTitleText($cut_size = 0, $tail='...')
if(!$this->document_srl) return;if($cut_size) $title = cut_str($this->get('title'), $cut_size, $tail);
else $title = $this->get('title');return $title;
}function getTitle($cut_size = 0, $tail='...')
if(!$this->document_srl) return;$title = $this->getTitleText($cut_size, $tail);
$attrs = array();
$this->add('title_color', trim($this->get('title_color')));
if($this->get('title_bold')=='Y') $attrs[] = "font-weight:bold;";
if($this->get('title_color') && $this->get('title_color') != 'N') $attrs[] = "color:#".$this->get('title_color');if(count($attrs)) return sprintf("<span style=\"%s\">%s</span>", implode(';',$attrs), htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false));
else return htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
}function getContentText($strlen = 0)
if(!$this->document_srl) return;if($this->isSecret() && !$this->isGranted() && !$this->isAccessible()) return Context::getLang('msg_is_secret');
$result = $this->_checkAccessibleFromStatus();
if($result) $_SESSION['accessible'][$this->document_srl] = true;$content = $this->get('content');
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<(object|param|embed)[^>]*/is', array($this, '_checkAllowScriptAccess'), $content);
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<object[^>]*>/is', array($this, '_addAllowScriptAccess'), $content);if($strlen) return cut_str(strip_tags($content),$strlen,'...');
return htmlspecialchars($content);
}function _addAllowScriptAccess($m)
if($this->allowscriptaccessList[$this->allowscriptaccessKey] == 1)
$m[0] = $m[0].'<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"></param>';
return $m[0];
}function _checkAllowScriptAccess($m)
if($m[1] == 'object')
$this->allowscriptaccessList[] = 1;
}if($m[1] == 'param')
if(stripos($m[0], 'allowscriptaccess'))
$m[0] = '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="never"';
if(substr($m[0], -1) == '/')
$m[0] .= '/';
else if($m[1] == 'embed')
if(stripos($m[0], 'allowscriptaccess'))
$m[0] = preg_replace('/always|samedomain/i', 'never', $m[0]);
$m[0] = preg_replace('/\<embed/i', '<embed allowscriptaccess="never"', $m[0]);
return $m[0];
}function getContent($add_popup_menu = true, $add_content_info = true, $resource_realpath = false, $add_xe_content_class = true, $stripEmbedTagException = false)
if(!$this->document_srl) return;if($this->isSecret() && !$this->isGranted() && !$this->isAccessible()) return Context::getLang('msg_is_secret');
$result = $this->_checkAccessibleFromStatus();
if($result) $_SESSION['accessible'][$this->document_srl] = true;$content = $this->get('content');
if(!$stripEmbedTagException) stripEmbedTagForAdmin($content, $this->get('member_srl'));// Define a link if using a rewrite module
$oContext = &Context::getInstance();
$content = preg_replace('/<a([ \t]+)href=("|\')\.\/\?/i',"<a href=\\2". Context::getRequestUri() ."?", $content);
// To display a pop-up menu
$content = sprintf(
'%s<div class="document_popup_menu"><a href="#popup_menu_area" class="document_%d" onclick="return false">%s</a></div>',
$this->document_srl, Context::getLang('cmd_document_do')
// If additional content information is set
$memberSrl = $this->get('member_srl');
if($memberSrl < 0)
$memberSrl = 0;
$content = sprintf(
'<!--BeforeDocument(%d,%d)--><div class="document_%d_%d xe_content">%s</div><!--AfterDocument(%d,%d)-->',
$this->document_srl, $memberSrl,
$this->document_srl, $memberSrl,
$this->document_srl, $memberSrl,
$this->document_srl, $memberSrl
// Add xe_content class although accessing content is not required
if($add_xe_content_class) $content = sprintf('<div class="xe_content">%s</div>', $content);
// Change the image path to a valid absolute path if resource_realpath is true
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<img([^>]+)>/i',array($this,'replaceResourceRealPath'), $content);
}return $content;
* Return transformed content by Editor codes
* @param bool $add_popup_menu
* @param bool $add_content_info
* @param bool $resource_realpath
* @param bool $add_xe_content_class
* @return string
function getTransContent($add_popup_menu = true, $add_content_info = true, $resource_realpath = false, $add_xe_content_class = true)
$oEditorController = getController('editor');$content = $this->getContent($add_popup_menu, $add_content_info, $resource_realpath, $add_xe_content_class);
$content = $oEditorController->transComponent($content);return $content;
}function getSummary($str_size = 50, $tail = '...')
$content = $this->getContent(FALSE, FALSE);
$content = nl2br($content);// For a newlink, inert a whitespace
$content = preg_replace('!(<br[\s]*/{0,1}>[\s]*)+!is', ' ', $content);// Replace tags such as </p> , </div> , </li> and others to a whitespace
$content = str_replace(array('</p>', '</div>', '</li>', '-->'), ' ', $content);// Remove Tags
$content = preg_replace('!<([^>]*?)>!is', '', $content);// Replace < , >, "
$content = str_replace(array('<', '>', '"', ' '), array('<', '>', '"', ' '), $content);// Delete a series of whitespaces
$content = preg_replace('/ ( +)/is', ' ', $content);// Truncate string
$content = trim(cut_str($content, $str_size, $tail));// Replace back < , <, "
$content = str_replace(array('<', '>', '"'),array('<', '>', '"'), $content);return $content;
}function getRegdate($format = 'Y.m.d H:i:s')
return zdate($this->get('regdate'), $format);
}function getRegdateTime()
$regdate = $this->get('regdate');
$year = substr($regdate,0,4);
$month = substr($regdate,4,2);
$day = substr($regdate,6,2);
$hour = substr($regdate,8,2);
$min = substr($regdate,10,2);
$sec = substr($regdate,12,2);
return mktime($hour,$min,$sec,$month,$day,$year);
}function getRegdateGM()
return $this->getRegdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' '.$GLOBALS['_time_zone'];
}function getRegdateDT()
return $this->getRegdate('Y-m-d').'T'.$this->getRegdate('H:i:s').substr($GLOBALS['_time_zone'],0,3).':'.substr($GLOBALS['_time_zone'],3,2);
}function getUpdate($format = 'Y.m.d H:i:s')
return zdate($this->get('last_update'), $format);
}function getUpdateTime()
$year = substr($this->get('last_update'),0,4);
$month = substr($this->get('last_update'),4,2);
$day = substr($this->get('last_update'),6,2);
$hour = substr($this->get('last_update'),8,2);
$min = substr($this->get('last_update'),10,2);
$sec = substr($this->get('last_update'),12,2);
return mktime($hour,$min,$sec,$month,$day,$year);
}function getUpdateGM()
return gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $this->getUpdateTime());
}function getUpdateDT()
return $this->getUpdate('Y-m-d').'T'.$this->getUpdate('H:i:s').substr($GLOBALS['_time_zone'],0,3).':'.substr($GLOBALS['_time_zone'],3,2);
}function getPermanentUrl()
return getFullUrl('','document_srl',$this->get('document_srl'));
}function getTrackbackUrl()
if(!$this->document_srl) return;// Generate a key to prevent spams
$oTrackbackModel = getModel('trackback');
if($oTrackbackModel) return $oTrackbackModel->getTrackbackUrl($this->document_srl, $this->getDocumentMid());
* Update readed count
* @return void
function updateReadedCount()
$oDocumentController = getController('document');
$readed_count = $this->get('readed_count');
$this->add('readed_count', $readed_count+1);
}function isExtraVarsExists()
if(!$this->get('module_srl')) return false;
$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
$extra_keys = $oDocumentModel->getExtraKeys($this->get('module_srl'));
return count($extra_keys)?true:false;
}function getExtraVars()
if(!$this->get('module_srl') || !$this->document_srl) return null;$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
return $oDocumentModel->getExtraVars($this->get('module_srl'), $this->document_srl);
}function getExtraValue($idx)
$extra_vars = $this->getExtraVars();
if(is_array($extra_vars) && array_key_exists($idx,$extra_vars))
return $extra_vars[$idx]->getValue();
return '';
}function getExtraValueHTML($idx)
$extra_vars = $this->getExtraVars();
if(is_array($extra_vars) && array_key_exists($idx,$extra_vars))
return $extra_vars[$idx]->getValueHTML();
return '';
}function getExtraEidValue($eid)
$extra_vars = $this->getExtraVars();if($extra_vars)
// Handle extra variable(eid)
foreach($extra_vars as $idx => $key)
$extra_eid[$key->eid] = $key;
if(is_array($extra_eid) && array_key_exists($eid,$extra_eid))
return $extra_eid[$eid]->getValue();
return '';
}function getExtraEidValueHTML($eid)
$extra_vars = $this->getExtraVars();
// Handle extra variable(eid)
foreach($extra_vars as $idx => $key)
$extra_eid[$key->eid] = $key;
if(is_array($extra_eid) && array_key_exists($eid,$extra_eid))
return $extra_eid[$eid]->getValueHTML();
return '';
}function getExtraVarsValue($key)
$extra_vals = unserialize($this->get('extra_vars'));
$val = $extra_vals->$key;
return $val;
}function getCommentCount()
return $this->get('comment_count');
}function getComments()
if(!$this->getCommentCount()) return;
if(!$this->isGranted() && $this->isSecret()) return;
// cpage is a number of comment pages
$cpageStr = sprintf('%d_cpage', $this->document_srl);
$cpage = Context::get($cpageStr);if(!$cpage)
$cpage = Context::get('cpage');
}// Get a list of comments
$oCommentModel = getModel('comment');
$output = $oCommentModel->getCommentList($this->document_srl, $cpage, $is_admin);
if(!$output->toBool() || !count($output->data)) return;
// Create commentItem object from a comment list
// If admin priviledge is granted on parent posts, you can read its child posts.
$accessible = array();
$comment_list = array();
foreach($output->data as $key => $val)
$oCommentItem = new commentItem();
// If permission is granted to the post, you can access it temporarily
if($oCommentItem->isGranted()) $accessible[$val->comment_srl] = true;
// If the comment is set to private and it belongs child post, it is allowable to read the comment for who has a admin privilege on its parent post
if($val->parent_srl>0 && $val->is_secret == 'Y' && !$oCommentItem->isAccessible() && $accessible[$val->parent_srl]===true)
$comment_list[$val->comment_srl] = $oCommentItem;
// Variable setting to be displayed on the skin
Context::set($cpageStr, $output->page_navigation->cur_page);
Context::set('cpage', $output->page_navigation->cur_page);
if($output->total_page>1) $this->comment_page_navigation = $output->page_navigation;return $comment_list;
}function getTrackbackCount()
return $this->get('trackback_count');
}function getTrackbacks()
if(!$this->document_srl) return;if(!$this->allowTrackback() || !$this->get('trackback_count')) return;
$oTrackbackModel = getModel('trackback');
return $oTrackbackModel->getTrackbackList($this->document_srl, $is_admin);
}function thumbnailExists($width = 80, $height = 0, $type = '')
if(!$this->document_srl) return false;
if(!$this->getThumbnail($width, $height, $type)) return false;
return true;
}function getThumbnail($width = 80, $height = 0, $thumbnail_type = '')
// Return false if the document doesn't exist
if(!$this->document_srl) return;if($this->isSecret() && !$this->isGranted())
}// If not specify its height, create a square
if(!$height) $height = $width;// Return false if neither attachement nor image files in the document
$content = $this->get('content');
$args = new stdClass();
$args->document_srl = $this->document_srl;
$output = executeQuery('document.getDocument', $args, array('content'));
if($output->toBool() && $output->data)
$content = $output->data->content;
$this->add('content', $content);
}if(!preg_match("!<img!is", $content)) return;
// Get thumbnai_type information from document module's configuration
if(!in_array($thumbnail_type, array('crop','ratio')))
$config = $GLOBALS['__document_config__'];
$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
$config = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentConfig();
$GLOBALS['__document_config__'] = $config;
$thumbnail_type = $config->thumbnail_type;
// Define thumbnail information
$thumbnail_path = sprintf('files/thumbnails/%s',getNumberingPath($this->document_srl, 3));
$thumbnail_file = sprintf('%s%dx%d.%s.jpg', $thumbnail_path, $width, $height, $thumbnail_type);
$thumbnail_url = Context::getRequestUri().$thumbnail_file;
// Return false if thumbnail file exists and its size is 0. Otherwise, return its path
if(filesize($thumbnail_file)<1) return false;
else return $thumbnail_url;
}// Target File
$source_file = null;
$is_tmp_file = false;// Find an iamge file among attached files if exists
$file_list = $this->getUploadedFiles();$first_image = null;
foreach($file_list as $file)
if($file->direct_download !== 'Y') continue;if($file->cover_image === 'Y' && file_exists($file->uploaded_filename))
$source_file = $file->uploaded_filename;
}if($first_image) continue;
if(preg_match("/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)$/i", $file->source_filename))
$first_image = $file->uploaded_filename;
}if(!$source_file && $first_image)
$source_file = $first_image;
// If not exists, file an image file from the content
$is_tmp_file = false;
$random = new Password();preg_match_all("!<img[^>]*src=(?:\"|\')([^\"\']*?)(?:\"|\')!is", $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($matches as $target_image)
$target_src = trim($target_image[1]);
if(preg_match('/\/(common|modules|widgets|addons|layouts|m\.layouts)\//i', $target_src)) continue;if(!preg_match('/^(http|https):\/\//i',$target_src))
$target_src = Context::getRequestUri().$target_src;
}$target_src = htmlspecialchars_decode($target_src);
$tmp_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/tmp/' . $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex');
FileHandler::getRemoteFile($target_src, $tmp_file);
if(!file_exists($tmp_file)) continue;$imageinfo = getimagesize($tmp_file);
list($_w, $_h) = $imageinfo;
if($imageinfo === false || ($_w < ($width * 0.3) && $_h < ($height * 0.3))) {
}$source_file = $tmp_file;
$is_tmp_file = true;
$output = FileHandler::createImageFile($source_file, $thumbnail_file, $width, $height, 'jpg', $thumbnail_type);
if($is_tmp_file) FileHandler::removeFile($source_file);
// Return its path if a thumbnail is successfully genetated
if($output) return $thumbnail_url;
// Create an empty file not to re-generate the thumbnail
else FileHandler::writeFile($thumbnail_file, '','w');return;
* Functions to display icons for new post, latest update, secret(private) post, image/video/attachment
* Determine new post and latest update by $time_interval
* @param int $time_interval
* @return array
function getExtraImages($time_interval = 43200)
if(!$this->document_srl) return;
// variables for icon list
$buffs = array();$check_files = false;
// Check if secret post is
if($this->isSecret()) $buffs[] = "secret";// Set the latest time
$time_check = date("YmdHis", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']-$time_interval);// Check new post
if($this->get('regdate')>$time_check) $buffs[] = "new";
else if($this->get('last_update')>$time_check) $buffs[] = "update";/*
$content = $this->get('content');// Check image files
preg_match_all('!<img([^>]*?)>!is', $content, $matches);
$cnt = count($matches[0]);
for($i=0;$i<$cnt;$i++) {
if(preg_match('/editor_component=/',$matches[0][$i])&&!preg_match('/image_(gallery|link)/i',$matches[0][$i])) continue;
$buffs[] = "image";
$check_files = true;
}// Check video files
if(preg_match('!<embed([^>]*?)>!is', $content) || preg_match('/editor_component=("|\')*multimedia_link/i', $content) ) {
$buffs[] = "movie";
$check_files = true;
*/// Check the attachment
if($this->hasUploadedFiles()) $buffs[] = "file";return $buffs;
}function getStatus()
if(!$this->get('status')) return $this->getDefaultStatus();
return $this->get('status');
* Return the value obtained from getExtraImages with image tag
* @param int $time_check
* @return string
function printExtraImages($time_check = 43200)
if(!$this->document_srl) return;
// Get the icon directory
$path = sprintf('%s%s',getUrl(), 'modules/document/tpl/icons/');$buffs = $this->getExtraImages($time_check);
if(!count($buffs)) return;$buff = array();
foreach($buffs as $key => $val)
$buff[] = sprintf('<img src="%s%s.gif" alt="%s" title="%s" style="margin-right:2px;" />', $path, $val, $val, $val);
return implode('', $buff);
}function hasUploadedFiles()
if(!$this->document_srl) return;if($this->isSecret() && !$this->isGranted()) return false;
return $this->get('uploaded_count')? true : false;
}function getUploadedFiles($sortIndex = 'file_srl')
if(!$this->document_srl) return;if($this->isSecret() && !$this->isGranted()) return;
if(!$this->get('uploaded_count')) return;if(!$this->uploadedFiles[$sortIndex])
$oFileModel = getModel('file');
$this->uploadedFiles[$sortIndex] = $oFileModel->getFiles($this->document_srl, array(), $sortIndex, true);
}return $this->uploadedFiles[$sortIndex];
* Return Editor html
* @return string
function getEditor()
$module_srl = $this->get('module_srl');
if(!$module_srl) $module_srl = Context::get('module_srl');$oEditorModel = getModel('editor');
return $oEditorModel->getModuleEditor('document', $module_srl, $this->document_srl, 'document_srl', 'content');
* Check whether to have a permission to write comment
* Authority to write a comment and to write a document is separated
* @return bool
function isEnableComment()
// Return false if not authorized, if a secret document, if the document is set not to allow any comment
if (!$this->allowComment()) return false;
if(!$this->isGranted() && $this->isSecret()) return false;return true;
* Return comment editor's html
* @return string
function getCommentEditor()
if(!$this->isEnableComment()) return;$oEditorModel = getModel('editor');
return $oEditorModel->getModuleEditor('comment', $this->get('module_srl'), $comment_srl, 'comment_srl', 'content');
* Return author's profile image
* @return string
function getProfileImage()
if(!$this->isExists() || !$this->get('member_srl')) return;
$oMemberModel = getModel('member');
$profile_info = $oMemberModel->getProfileImage($this->get('member_srl'));
if(!$profile_info) return;return $profile_info->src;
* Return author's signiture
* @return string
function getSignature()
// Pass if a document doesn't exist
if(!$this->isExists() || !$this->get('member_srl')) return;
// Get signature information
$oMemberModel = getModel('member');
$signature = $oMemberModel->getSignature($this->get('member_srl'));
// Check if a maximum height of signiture is set in the member module
$oModuleModel = getModel('module');
$member_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('member');
$GLOBALS['__member_signature_max_height'] = $member_config->signature_max_height;
$max_signature_height = $GLOBALS['__member_signature_max_height'];
if($max_signature_height) $signature = sprintf('<div style="max-height:%dpx;overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;height:expression(this.scrollHeight > %d ? \'%dpx\': \'auto\')">%s</div>', $max_signature_height, $max_signature_height, $max_signature_height, $signature);
}return $signature;
* Change an image path in the content to absolute path
* @param array $matches
* @return mixed
function replaceResourceRealPath($matches)
return preg_replace('/src=(["\']?)files/i','src=$1'.Context::getRequestUri().'files', $matches[0]);
* Check accessible by document status
* @param array $matches
* @return mixed
function _checkAccessibleFromStatus()
$logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
if($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') return true;$status = $this->get('status');
if(empty($status)) return false;$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
$configStatusList = $oDocumentModel->getStatusList();if($status == $configStatusList['public'] || $status == $configStatusList['publish'])
return true;
else if($status == $configStatusList['private'] || $status == $configStatusList['secret'])
if($this->get('member_srl') == $logged_info->member_srl)
return true;
return false;
}function getTranslationLangCodes()
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->document_srl = $this->document_srl;
// -2 is an index for content. We are interested if content has other translations.
$obj->var_idx = -2;
$output = executeQueryArray('document.getDocumentTranslationLangCodes', $obj);if (!$output->data)
$output->data = array();
// add original page's lang code as well
$origLangCode = new stdClass;
$origLangCode->lang_code = $this->getLangCode();
$output->data[] = $origLangCode;return $output->data;
* Returns the document's mid in order to construct SEO friendly URLs
* @return string
function getDocumentMid()
$model = getModel('module');
$module = $model->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($this->get('module_srl'));
return $module->mid;
* Returns the document's type (document/page/wiki/board/etc)
* @return string
function getDocumentType()
$model = getModel('module');
$module = $model->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($this->get('module_srl'));
return $module->module;
* Returns the document's alias
* @return string
function getDocumentAlias()
$oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
return $oDocumentModel->getAlias($this->document_srl);
* Returns the document's actual title (browser_title)
* @return string
function getModuleName()
$model = getModel('module');
$module = $model->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($this->get('module_srl'));
return $module->browser_title;
}function getBrowserTitle()
return $this->getModuleName();
/* End of file document.item.php */
/* Location: ./modules/document/document.item.php */
2016.08.07 21:16
아뇨^^; 코어가 아니라 게시판 스킨의 목록 부분(대충 list.html 이름을 가진) 코멘트 부분에 따로 링크가 걸려 있을 거예요. 제가 알려드린 방식으로 고치시면 댓글을 눌렀을 때에 cpage 값을 넘기지 않기 때문에 오류가 나지 않을 듯합니다.
코멘트 숫자 부분의 href를 보시면 {getUrl('document_srl', $document->document_srl)}#OOO로 되어 있을 텐데 거기에 cpage를 비우도록 더 추가해주시면 됩니다. {getUrl('document_srl', $document->document_srl, 'cpage', '')}#OOO