웹마스터 팁
EXIF 메타정보 필요하신 분 있으시면
2018.04.09 15:04
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 | <?php // This function is used to determine the camera details for a specific image. It returns an array with the parameters. function cameraUsed( $imagePath ) { // Check if the variable is set and if the file itself exists before continuing if ((isset( $imagePath )) and ( file_exists ( $imagePath ))) { // There are 2 arrays which contains the information we are after, so it's easier to state them both $exif_ifd0 = read_exif_data( $imagePath , 'IFD0' ,0); $exif_exif = read_exif_data( $imagePath , 'EXIF' ,0); $exif_makernote = read_exif_data( $imagePath , 'MAKERNOTE' , 'UndefinedTag' ); //MAKERNOTE.UndefinedTag:0x0095: EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM //error control $notFound = "Unavailable" ; // Makernote if (@ array_key_exists ( 'UndefinedTag' , $exif_makernote )) { $camMakenote = $exif_makernote [ 'UndefinedTag' ]; } else { $exif_makernote = $notFound ; } //$return['makernote'] = $camMakernote; // Make if (@ array_key_exists ( 'Make' , $exif_ifd0 )) { $camMake = $exif_ifd0 [ 'Make' ]; } else { $camMake = $notFound ; } // Model if (@ array_key_exists ( 'Model' , $exif_ifd0 )) { $camModel = $exif_ifd0 [ 'Model' ]; } else { $camModel = $notFound ; } // Exposure if (@ array_key_exists ( 'ExposureTime' , $exif_ifd0 )) { $camExposure = $exif_ifd0 [ 'ExposureTime' ]; } else { $camExposure = $notFound ; } // Aperture if (@ array_key_exists ( 'ApertureFNumber' , $exif_ifd0 [ 'COMPUTED' ])) { $camAperture = $exif_ifd0 [ 'COMPUTED' ][ 'ApertureFNumber' ]; } else { $camAperture = $notFound ; } // Date //파일날자 if (@ array_key_exists ( 'DateTime' , $exif_ifd0 )) { $camDate = $exif_ifd0 [ 'DateTime' ]; } else { $camDate = $notFound ; } // Date2 if (@ array_key_exists ( 'DateTimeOriginal' , $exif_exif )) { $camDate2 = $exif_exif [ 'DateTimeOriginal' ]; } else { $camDate2 = $notFound ; } // ISO if (@ array_key_exists ( 'ISOSpeedRatings' , $exif_exif )) { $camIso = $exif_exif [ 'ISOSpeedRatings' ]; } else { $camIso = $notFound ; } //Software if (@ array_key_exists ( 'Software' , $exif_ifd0 )) { $camSoft = $exif_ifd0 [ 'Software' ]; } else { $camSoft = $notFound ; } //FocalLength if (@ array_key_exists ( 'FocalLength' , $exif_exif )) { $camFocal = $exif_ifd0 [ 'FocalLength' ]; } else { $camFocal = $notFound ; } //Height if (@ array_key_exists ( 'Height' , $exif_ifd0 [ 'COMPUTED' ])) { $camHeight = $exif_ifd0 [ 'COMPUTED' ][ 'Height' ]; } else { $camHeight = $notFound ; } //Widht if (@ array_key_exists ( 'Width' , $exif_ifd0 [ 'COMPUTED' ])) { $camWidth = $exif_ifd0 [ 'COMPUTED' ][ 'Width' ]; } else { $camWidth = $notFound ; } $return = array (); $return [ 'make' ] = $camMake ; $return [ 'model' ] = $camModel ; $return [ 'makernote' ] = $camMakernote ; $return [ 'exposure' ] = $camExposure ; $return [ 'aperture' ] = $camAperture ; //$return['date'] = $camDate; //파일날자 $return [ 'iso' ] = $camIso ; $return [ 'soft' ] = $camSoft ; $return [ 'focal' ] = $camFocal ; $return [ 'height' ] = $camHeight ; $return [ 'width' ] = $camWidth ; $return [ 'date2' ] = $camDate2 ; return $return ; } else { return false; } } ?> |
1 | < include target= "/home/hosting_users/******/www/_data/exif/exif.php" /> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | {@ $imagePath = $file ->uploaded_filename; $img_size = getimagesize ( $imagePath ); $file_size = filesize ( $imagePath ); $file_size3 =number_format( $file_size ); $camera = cameraUsed( $imagePath ); //echo "사용기종 : " . $camera['make'] . " " . $camera['model'] . " | "; echo "사용기종 : " . $camera [ 'model' ] . " | " ; //echo "사용렌즈 : " . $camera['makernote'] . " | "; echo "노출시간 : " . $camera [ 'exposure' ] . " | " ; echo "조리개 : " . $camera [ 'aperture' ] . " | " ; echo "ISO : " . $camera [ 'iso' ] . " | " ; echo "초점거리 : " . $camera [ 'focal' ] . " | " ; //echo "Software : " . $camera['soft'] . " | "; echo "촬영일자 : " . $camera [ 'date2' ] . " | " ; //echo "해상도 : ".$camera['width'] ."x". $camera['height']; echo "해상도 : " . $img_size [0]. "x" . $img_size [1]. " px" . " | " ; //echo $img_size[3]; echo "파일크기 : " . $file_size3 . " byte" ; //return FileSizeConvert($imagePath); } |
exif 출력 애드온이 제대로 작동하지않길래 php.net 에서 샘플을 긁어오고 살을 조금붙여서 사용하고있습니다.
잘 작동하네요 ^^
태그 연관 글
- [2010/11/22] 묻고답하기 도와주세요 ㅠ..ㅠ ; DQ_LIBS/include 폴더에서 파일하나를 삭제했는데