

/* Copyright (C) NAVER <http://www.navercorp.com> */


 * @file  index.php

 * @author NAVER (developers@xpressengine.com)

 * @brief Start page


 * @mainpage XpressEngine

 * @section intro introduction


 * "XpressEngine (XE)" is an opensource and being developed in the opensource project.\n

 * For more information, please see the link below.

 * - Official website: http://www.xpressengine.com

 * - Offcial Repository: https://github.com/xpressengine/xe-core

 * \n

 * "XpressEngine (XE)" is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \n

 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public \n

 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \n

 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \n

 * \n

 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


 * Lesser General Public License for more details.

 * \n

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public

 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software

 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA





 * @brief Declare constants for generic use and for checking to avoid a direct call from the Web


define('__XE__',   TRUE);


 * @brief Include the necessary configuration files




opcache_invalidate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/config.inc.php', true);


require dirname(__FILE__) . '/config/config.inc.php';



 * @brief Initialize by creating Context object

 * Set all Request Argument/Environment variables


$oContext = Context::getInstance();




 * @brief If default_url is set and it is different from the current url, attempt to redirect for SSO authentication and then process the module




$oModuleHandler = new ModuleHandler();









catch(Exception $e)



echo Context::getLang($e->getMessage());







/* End of file index.php */

/* Location: ./index.php */



메인이 이렇게 되요! 업데이트 후 그러는건데 왜 이러나요? 어떻게 해결하죠?

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
XE 공지 글 쓰기,삭제 운영방식 변경 공지 [16] 2019.03.05 by 남기남
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holyreign 카테고리(분류)별 공지 뛰우는 방법좀 알려주세요. [1] 2012.01.18 by 송동우
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모듈을 만들었는데 숫자가 아닌 변수들 전달이 안됩니다;  
민현류 rss ? [1] 2012.01.18 by 천재ㅐ재
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아람이방 제발 누구든 답변좀 해주세요 ㅠㅠ [2] 2012.01.18 by 소규모아카시아밴드
박민하323 자바스크립트 관련 질문 몇가지 드립니다^^. [2] 2012.01.19 by 송동우
miso777 image Magick 설치시 서버는 뭘 말하는건가요.?  
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제이메이크 궁금한게 있어서 글을 남깁니다. 캐쉬에서 썸네일 생성 안되게 막는법 아시는 분!!!  
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expressing Sendmail 관련  
준희^^+ 자료실모듈 글 수정 후 댓글을 쓰면 '잘못된 요청입니다'라고 떠요.;  
셜록홈즈즈즈 도와주십시오 파일첨부시 이미지 이름 관련질문입니다 file