
도와 주세요.

밑의 내용에서 문제들(question) 1,2,3 이 있는데 순서대로 나옵니다.

그런데 혹시 랜덤(random)으로 나오게금 가능할까요?

어느 부분을 수정하면 될까요?


밑의 사이트에서 가져왔습니다.





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var currentQuestion = 0;

var currentLetter = 0;

var currentScore = 0;

var currentQuestionScore =0;

var openedLetterIndices = [];

var openedLetters = [];


var question_set = [ {question_number:1, question:"Star of the EARTH?", answer:"SUN", letters:3}, 

  {question_number:2, question:"Occupation", answer:"JOB", letters:3},

  {question_number:3, question:"Gossip", answer:"GRAPEWINE", letters:9},


$(document).ready( function()













function start()









currentQuestionScore = question_set[currentQuestion].letters*100;




//$("#goDiv").html("<span class='btn btn-success btn-md' id='goBtn' onclick='nextWithAnswer("+$("#guess").text()+")'>GO!</span>");

var buttons ="";

for (var i = 0; i < question_set[currentQuestion].letters; i++) {

buttons= buttons + "<span class='btn btn-primary btn-lg'>-</span>";






function giveLetter()



currentQuestionScore = currentQuestionScore - 100;



var flag = true;

var indexToBeOpened;



indexToBeOpened = Math.floor(Math.random()*question_set[currentQuestion].letters);

flag = $.inArray(indexToBeOpened,openedLetterIndices)>=0;





var buttons = "";

for (var i = 0; i < question_set[currentQuestion].letters; i++) {



buttons= buttons + "<span class='btn btn-primary btn-lg'>"+question_set[currentQuestion].answer.substring(i,i+1)+"</span>";



buttons= buttons + "<span class='btn btn-primary btn-lg'>-</span>";





if(openedLetterIndices.length == question_set[currentQuestion].letters)


$("#next").html("<span class='btn btn-warning btn-lg' onclick='next()'>Next</span>"); 





function next()


if(currentQuestion!= question_set.length-1)




currentScore+= currentQuestionScore;

currentQuestionScore = question_set[currentQuestion].letters*100;


currentLetter = 0;

openedLetterIndices = [];

openedLetters = [];






var buttons ="";

for (var i = 0; i < question_set[currentQuestion].letters; i++) {

buttons= buttons + "<span class='btn btn-primary btn-lg'>-</span>";









function nextWithAnswer (answer) {


if(currentQuestion!= question_set.length-1)


if (answer.toLowerCase() === question_set[currentQuestion].answer.toLowerCase())




currentScore+= currentQuestionScore;

currentQuestionScore = question_set[currentQuestion].letters*100;


currentLetter = 0;

openedLetterIndices = [];

openedLetters = [];






var buttons ="";

for (var i = 0; i < question_set[currentQuestion].letters; i++) {

buttons= buttons + "<span class='btn btn-primary btn-lg'>-</span>";







currentScore-= currentQuestionScore;

currentQuestionScore = question_set[currentQuestion].letters*100;


currentLetter = 0;

openedLetterIndices = [];

openedLetters = [];






var buttons ="";

for (var i = 0; i < question_set[currentQuestion].letters; i++) {

buttons= buttons + "<span class='btn btn-primary btn-lg'>-</span>";











function finale(answer)









if (answer.toLowerCase() === question_set[currentQuestion].answer.toLowerCase())


$("#startDiv").html("<div class='text-center'><h1>Your final score is "+(currentQuestionScore + currentScore)+"</h1><span class='btn btn-success btn-lg' onclick='location.reload()'>Replay</span></div>");



$("#startDiv").html("<div class='text-center'><h1>Your final score is "+(currentScore-currentQuestionScore )+"</h1><span class='btn btn-success btn-lg' onclick='location.reload()'>Replay</span></div>");









<div class='row'>

<div class='jumbotron' id='startDiv'>

<div class='text-center'>

<h1>Push the button to START!</h1>

<span class='btn btn-success btn-lg' onclick='start()'>GO!</span>




<div class='row'>

<div class='jumbotron' id='mainDiv'>

<div class='text-center'>

<p>Question Score = <span id='questionScore'></span></p>

<span id='question'></span>

<span id='letters'></span><br><br>

<span id='next'></span>




<div class='row'>

  <div class='col-md-2 col-md-offset-1' id='letterDiv'>

  <span class='btn btn-danger btn-md' onclick="giveLetter()">Give me a letter</span>


  <div class='col-md-4' id='guessDiv'>

  <div class='input-group' >

  <span class='input-group-addon' >My guess is: </span>

  <input type='text' class='form-control' placeholder='Guess' id='guess'>



  <div class='col-md-2' id='goDiv'>

  <span class='btn btn-success btn-md' id="goBtn">GO!</span>


  <div class='col-md-3' id='scoreDiv'>

  Score: <span id='score'></span>








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