
chatgpt로 아래와 같은 폼 양식을 얻었습니다.

게시판에 포스팅한 사람에게 쪽지 보낼때 아래와 같은 양식을 추가 혹은 변경하고 싶은데,

도움 주실분 계실까요?






      function selectTimeIncrement(increment) {

        var times = document.getElementsByName("time");

        for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {

          times[i].step = increment;




      function viewAvailability(view) {

        var availabilityDiv = document.getElementById("availability");

        if (view == "daily") {

          availabilityDiv.innerHTML = "Viewing availability by day.";

        } else if (view == "monthly") {

          availabilityDiv.innerHTML = "Viewing availability by month.";




      function sendMessage() {

        var message = document.getElementById("message").value;

        alert("Your message has been sent to the teacher: " + message);



<h1>Reservation System</h1>


<form><label>Select a time:</label> <input name="time" step="1800" type="time" /><br />

<label>Select time increment:</label> <select onchange="selectTimeIncrement(this.value)"><option value="1800">30 minutes</option><option value="3600">1 hour</option><option value="7200">2 hours</option> </select><br />

<label>View availability:</label><button onclick="viewAvailability('daily')" type="button">By day</button><button onclick="viewAvailability('monthly')" type="button">By month</button>


<div id="availability"> </div>

<br />

<label>Send a message to the teacher:</label><br />

<textarea id="message"></textarea><br />

<button onclick="sendMessage(http://www.365105.com/index.php?mid=board_PIcP49&act=dispCommunicationSendMessage&receiver_srl=185)" type="button">Send</button></form>

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