
We recently made some changes to our network routing that has effected how traffic is served for some of our Free and Pro customers. On our Free or Pro plans, we serve you locally with any ISP that interconnects with us, but not necessarily for traffic accessed only via an ISP that does not peer with us.

If some of your traffic is being served to users at ISPs that do not peer with us, there is a good chance it may be served from non-local routes. Despite being closer to one particular PoP you might find that your traffic is flowing through another one located further away. While performance for some of these customers may be reduced at times, all other Cloudflare benefits will work the same.

You can read more about this on our blog: The relative cost of bandwidth around the world

If you want to make sure you retain access to all Cloudflare transit providers worldwide, please upgrade to our Business or Enterprise Plan in your Cloudflare dashboard, under the Overview section.

예전에는 서울 서버쪽으로 붙다가 안 붙다가 했는데, 요즘 아예 LAX로만 가는 현상이 있어서 서포트 센터의 문의 넣어봤더니 이렇게 답변이 돌아왔습니다.

이제 200달러 내지 않고선 서울 노드는 못쓰나봅니다.



태그 연관 글
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  2. [2014/03/24] 포럼 cloudflare 쓰시는 분들 계신가요? by lililiillililiil *20
  3. [2014/02/22] 포럼 CloudFlare은 트래픽 절감에 확실한 효과가 있네요. by 솔리드 *76
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