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  <div cond="$oDocument->hasUploadedFiles() && (!$mi->show_files || $mi->show_files=='2')" id="files_{$oDocument->document_srl}" class="rd_fnt rd_file clear <show_files">!--@if(!$mi->show_files)--> hide<!--@end-->">


 $oDB = &DB::getInstance();
$query = $oDB->_query("select count(*) as count from xe_comments where document_srl='" . $oDocument->document_srl . "' and member_srl='" . $logged_info->member_srl . "'");
 $result = $oDB->_fetch($query);

   <strong class="ui_font"><font color="red">다운로드 </font><b>'{$oDocument->get('uploaded_count')}'</b></strong>
   <ul cond="!$mi->files_type">
    <li loop="$oDocument->getUploadedFiles()=>$key,$file"><a class="bubble" href="{getUrl('')}{$file->download_url}"|cond="$result->count>0" title="[File Size:{FileHandler::filesize($file->file_size)}/Download:{number_format($file->download_count)}]">{$file->source_filename}</a><span class="comma">,</span></li>
   <include cond="$mi->files_type" target="_read_files.html" />




위와 같이 하면된다는 글을 보았는데요. 제가 받은 스케치북 _read.html 에서는 아래와 같이 다르게 되어있습니다 


<!--// Files -->

<include cond="$oDocument->hasUploadedFiles() && (!$mi->show_files || $mi->show_files==2)" target="_read_files.html" />

<!--// Trackback -->

<block cond="$oDocument->allowTrackback()">

<div class="rd_trb rd_fnt clear">

<a class="ui_font bubble" href="#" title="{$lang->trackback} {$lang->cmd_view}"><strong>Trackback</strong> <span cond="$oDocument->getTrackbackCount()" class="fnt_count">'<b>{$oDocument->getTrackbackCount()}</b>'</span></a>

<a cond="$oDocument->allowTrackback()" class="link" href="{$oDocument->getTrackbackUrl()}" onclick="return false">{$oDocument->getTrackbackUrl()}</a>


<include cond="$oDocument->getTrackbackCount()" target="_trackback.html" />


<!--// Read Footer Navi -->



아래와 같이 

<!--// Files --> 밑에 

 $oDB = &DB::getInstance();
$query = $oDB->_query("select count(*) as count from xe_comments where document_srl='" . $oDocument->document_srl . "' and member_srl='" . $logged_info->member_srl . "'");
 $result = $oDB->_fetch($query);

넣어봐도 안되는데 도와주세요. 


글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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튜닝셀프 설문조사가 등록이 안되네요.  
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