

현재 xe로 만든 사이트를 운영 중인데요

Non-static method ~ 라는 에러가 로그에 자꾸 쌓입니다.

그냥 쌓이는게 아니라 엄청 많이 찍혀서 로그 파일의 용량이 어마어마하게 늘어나고 있어요 ㅠ.ㅠ


저는 그냥 로그파일 권한을 000으로 해서 안쌓으면 그만인데 호스팅쪽 시스템로그에 자꾸 쌓인다고 하네요.. 


아래와 같은 에러가 엄청 많습니다...


[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method Context::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/index.php on line 45
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Deprecated:  Non-static method FileHandler::getRealPath() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/user/public_html/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 184
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Deprecated:  Non-static method FileHandler::hasContent() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/user/public_html/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 2563
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Deprecated:  Non-static method FileHandler::hasContent() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/user/public_html/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 2563
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/config/func.inc.php on line 81
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method ModuleHandler::_getModuleFilePath() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 1169
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method ModuleHandler::getModulePath() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 1230
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method FileHandler::getRealPath() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 1233
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method FileHandler::getRealPath() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 1257
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Deprecated:  Non-static method Context::getLang() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/user/public_html/classes/object/Object.class.php on line 99
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method Context::loadLang() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/classes/module/ModuleHandler.class.php on line 1195
[21-Feb-2017 16:32:06 Asia/Seoul] PHP Strict Standards:  Non-static method Context::getInstance() should not be called statically in /home2/user/public_html/classes/context/Context.class.php on line 842




관리자 페이지에서 서버정보 출력 누르면


[XE Server Environment 2017-02-21]

realpath : /home2/user/public_html
location : ko
package : XE
host : http://.com
app : Apache
xe_version : 1.8.29
php : 5.6.30
db_type : mysql
use_rewrite : Y
use_db_session : N
use_ssl : none
phpext : core, ereg, libxml, openssl, zlib, cgi-fcgi, imagick, bcmath, bz2, calendar, curl, enchant, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, iconv, imap, memcache, exif, mcrypt, mysqlnd, mysql, mysqli, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, phar, simplexml, soap, sockets, sourceguardian, sqlite3, xml, wddx, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, mhash, ioncube loader, zend guard loader, zend opcache
module : adminlogging(1.7), attendance(7.0.1), auto_login(1.1.4), board(1.7.2), coupon(1.0), ggmailing(0.4.4), iconshop(0.4), krzip(1.8.0), loginlog(1.4.0), lottery(0.1), member_condition(1.0.2), member_expire(1.2.4), ncenterlite(3.0.0), plusad(0.5), pointhistory(0.2.1), quizgame(0.1), referer(3.9.6), rockgame(0.4), roulette(0.3), sejin7940_vote(1.3.1), seo(1.8.19), supercache(1.3.4), syndication(5.0.0), timeline(1.0.2), vote(1.1.4)
addon : AntiProxy(1.0.0), adminlogging(1.7), bekmeProhibite(1.0), best_comment(0.1.2), block_ip(2.1a), captcha_member(1.7), change_nickname(2.0), comment_new(1.1.1), download_wanna_reply(1.0), fa_fileicon(1.1.2), hot_document(1.2.3), layerpopup(1.10), login_2sisstore(1.1), member_icon_print(0.3), mresizer(1.6), new_document_notify(2.0), no_adblock(1.1.3), oembed(1.0), okiz_easyadmin_logout(1.1), point_pangpang_plus(0.2b), referer(3.5.1), regdate_edit(0.1), sejin7940_all_notice(1.4), sejin7940_autotrash(1.1.1), sejin7940_readed_count(1.6), session_shield(2.0), show_author_document(0.1), soo_add_content(0.6a), source_marking(0.3), sxe_ncenter_plus(0.2)
layout : awake(1.0.4), xe_official(1.7), xedition(1.9), Simple_Style_S(1.3.1), user_layout(1.7)
widget : counter_status(1.7), ding_member_ranking(1.5), plusadWidget(0.6), point_status(0.1), rank_point(1.0), towc_new_docu(1.9), uchat(1.1.9), uchat2(1.0.1), uhachat(0.3), widget_kgcontent(0.1)
widgetstyle : simple(1.7)
max_file_uploads : 20
post_max_size : 50M
memory_limit : 128M


이렇게 나오구요


config.inc.php 파일 수정하라는 글 보이길래


if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<'))
    @error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_WARNING ^ E_STRICT);
    @error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_WARNING ^ E_STRICT);


이렇게 수정해서 넣어놨어요..


원래 if문이 ture일때 ^ E_STRICT 부분이 없었어요..



어떻게 해결을 하면 좋을까요?ㅠ

글쓴이 제목 최종 글
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