

$oDB = &DB::getInstance();

// 기간별업무처리현황 통계 쿼리 //

$query = $oDB->_query('SELECT  aa.VALUE2 AS "value2", aa.VALUE4 AS "value3", aa.VALUE5 AS "value4", bb.VALUE3 AS "value5", cc.VALUE3 AS "value6" 

FROM (SELECT a.document_srl AS "VALUE1", c.title AS "VALUE2" , b.value AS "VALUE3" , (substring(a.title,1,20)) AS "VALUE4" , (substring(a.content,1,80)) AS VALUE5

FROM xe_documents a, xe_document_extra_vars b, xe_document_categories c

where a.document_srl = b.document_srl and a.module_srl = "67" AND c.category_srl = a.category_srl AND b.var_idx = "1" AND b.VALUE = curdate()) aa join

(SELECT a.document_srl AS VALUE1, b.VALUE AS VALUE3

FROM xe_documents a, xe_document_extra_vars b, xe_document_categories c

where a.document_srl = b.document_srl and a.module_srl = "67" AND b.var_idx = "2") bb ON aa.VALUE1 = bb.VALUE1 join

(SELECT a.document_srl AS VALUE1, b.VALUE AS VALUE3

FROM xe_documents a, xe_document_extra_vars b, xe_document_categories c

where a.document_srl = b.document_srl and a.module_srl = "67" AND b.var_idx = "3") cc ON bb.VALUE1 = cc.VALUE1



$result = $oDB->_fetch($query);



<table border 2px>{@ $no = 1}


<th width="30px">{"구  분"}</th>

<th width="120px">{"업무구분"}</th>

<th width="200px">{"제    목"}</th>

<th width="450px">{"내    용"}</th>

<th width="60px">{"업무분류"}</th>

<th width="50px">{"처리상태"}</th>

<!--@foreach($result as $key => $val)-->


<td align="center">{$no++}</td>

<td align="center">{$val->value2}</td>

<td align="center">{$val->value3}</td>


<td align="center">{$val->value5}</td>

<td align="center">{$val->value6}</td>






위와같이 쿼리를해서 웹에 표출을 하려고 하는데 데이터가 1건인경우 표시가 안됩니다.


무엇이 문제인가요?

function executeQueryArray xe함수를 사용하면 가능하다는것같은데 어떻게 적용해야할지 모르겠어요...



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