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ModuleObject.class.php -------------------- 의 내용은 아래와 같습니다. -

* @class ModuleObject
* @author NHN (developers@xpressengine.com)
* base class of ModuleHandler

class ModuleObject extends Object {

var $mid = NULL; ///< string to represent run-time instance of Module (XE Module)
var $module = NULL; ///< Class name of Xe Module that is identified by mid
var $module_srl = NULL; ///< integer value to represent a run-time instance of Module (XE Module)
var $module_info = NULL; ///< an object containing the module information
var $origin_module_info = NULL;
var $xml_info = NULL; ///< an object containing the module description extracted from XML file

var $module_path = NULL; ///< a path to directory where module source code resides

var $act = NULL; ///< a string value to contain the action name

var $template_path = NULL; ///< a path of directory where template files reside
var $template_file = NULL; ///< name of template file

var $layout_path = ''; ///< a path of directory where layout files reside
var $layout_file = ''; ///< name of layout file
var $edited_layout_file = ''; ///< name of temporary layout files that is modified in an admin mode

var $stop_proc = false; ///< a flag to indicating whether to stop the execution of code.

var $module_config = NULL;
var $ajaxRequestMethod = array('XMLRPC', 'JSON');

* setter to set the name of module
* @param string $module name of module
* @return void
function setModule($module) {
$this->module = $module;

* setter to set the name of module path
* @param string $path the directory path to a module directory
* @return void
function setModulePath($path) {
if(substr($path,-1)!='/') $path.='/';
$this->module_path = $path;

* setter to set an url for redirection
* @param string $url url for redirection
* @remark redirect_url is used only for ajax requests
* @return void
function setRedirectUrl($url='./', $output = NULL) {
$ajaxRequestMethod = array_flip($this->ajaxRequestMethod);
$this->add('redirect_url', $url);

if($output !== NULL && is_object($output))
return $output;

* get url for redirection
* @return string redirect_url
function getRedirectUrl(){
return $this->get('redirect_url');

* set message
* @param string $message a message string
* @param string $type type of message (error, info, update)
* @return void
function setMessage($message, $type = null){

* set type of message
* @param string $type type of message (error, info, update)
* @return void
function setMessageType($type){
$this->add('message_type', $type);

* get type of message
* @return string $type
function getMessageType(){
$type = $this->get('message_type');
$typeList = array('error'=>1, 'info'=>1, 'update'=>1);
if (!isset($typeList[$type])){
$type = $this->getError()?'error':'info';
return $type;

* sett to set the template path for refresh.html
* refresh.html is executed as a result of method execution
* Tpl as the common run of the refresh.html ..
* @return void
function setRefreshPage() {

* sett to set the action name
* @param string $act
* @return void
function setAct($act) {
$this->act = $act;

* sett to set module information
* @param object $module_info object containing module information
* @param object $xml_info object containing module description
* @return void
function setModuleInfo($module_info, $xml_info) {
// The default variable settings
$this->mid = $module_info->mid;
$this->module_srl = $module_info->module_srl;
$this->module_info = $module_info;
$this->origin_module_info = $module_info;
$this->xml_info = $xml_info;
$this->skin_vars = $module_info->skin_vars;
// validate certificate info and permission settings necessary in Web-services
$is_logged = Context::get('is_logged');
$logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
// module model create an object
$oModuleModel = &getModel('module');
// permission settings. access, manager(== is_admin) are fixed and privilege name in XE
$module_srl = Context::get('module_srl');
if(!$module_info->mid && !is_array($module_srl) && preg_match('/^([0-9]+)$/',$module_srl)) {
$request_module = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($module_srl);
if($request_module->module_srl == $module_srl) {
$grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($request_module, $logged_info);
} else {
$grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($module_info, $logged_info, $xml_info);
// have at least access grant
if( substr_count($this->act, 'Member') || substr_count($this->act, 'Communication'))
$grant->access = 1;
// display no permission if the current module doesn't have an access privilege
//if(!$grant->access) return $this->stop("msg_not_permitted");
// checks permission and action if you don't have an admin privilege
if(!$grant->manager) {
// get permission types(guest, member, manager, root) of the currently requested action
$permission_target = $xml_info->permission->{$this->act};
// check manager if a permission in module.xml otherwise action if no permission
if(!$permission_target && substr_count($this->act, 'Admin')) $permission_target = 'manager';
// Check permissions
switch($permission_target) {
case 'root' :
case 'manager' :
case 'member' :
// permission variable settings
$this->grant = $grant;

Context::set('grant', $grant);

$this->module_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig($this->module, $module_info->site_srl);

if(method_exists($this, 'init')) $this->init();

* set the stop_proc and approprate message for msg_code
* @param string $msg_code an error code
* @return ModuleObject $this
function stop($msg_code) {
// flag setting to stop the proc processing
$this->stop_proc = true;
// Error handling
// Error message display by message module
$type = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view';
$oMessageObject = &ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message',$type);


return $this;

* set the file name of the template file
* @param string name of file
* @return void
function setTemplateFile($filename) {
if(substr($filename,-5)!='.html') $filename .= '.html';
$this->template_file = $filename;

* retrieve the directory path of the template directory
* @return string
function getTemplateFile() {
return $this->template_file;

* set the directory path of the template directory
* @param string path of template directory.
* @return void
function setTemplatePath($path) {
if(substr($path,0,1)!='/' && substr($path,0,2)!='./') $path = './'.$path;
if(substr($path,-1)!='/') $path .= '/';
$this->template_path = $path;

* retrieve the directory path of the template directory
* @return string
function getTemplatePath() {
return $this->template_path;

* set the file name of the temporarily modified by admin
* @param string name of file
* @return void
function setEditedLayoutFile($filename) {
if(substr($filename,-5)!='.html') $filename .= '.html';
$this->edited_layout_file = $filename;

* retreived the file name of edited_layout_file
* @return string
function getEditedLayoutFile() {
return $this->edited_layout_file;

* set the file name of the layout file
* @param string name of file
* @return void
function setLayoutFile($filename) {
if(substr($filename,-5)!='.html') $filename .= '.html';
$this->layout_file = $filename;

* get the file name of the layout file
* @return string
function getLayoutFile() {
return $this->layout_file;

* set the directory path of the layout directory
* @param string path of layout directory.
function setLayoutPath($path) {
if(substr($path,0,1)!='/' && substr($path,0,2)!='./') $path = './'.$path;
if(substr($path,-1)!='/') $path .= '/';
$this->layout_path = $path;

* set the directory path of the layout directory
* @return string
function getLayoutPath() {
return $this->layout_path;

* excute the member method specified by $act variable
* @return boolean true : success false : fail
function proc() {
// pass if stop_proc is true
if($this->stop_proc) return false;

// trigger call
$triggerOutput = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleObject.proc', 'before', $this);
if(!$triggerOutput->toBool()) {
return false;

// execute an addon(call called_position as before_module_proc)
$called_position = 'before_module_proc';
$oAddonController = &getController('addon');
$addon_file = $oAddonController->getCacheFilePath(Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()?"mobile":"pc");

if(isset($this->xml_info->action->{$this->act}) && method_exists($this, $this->act)) {
// Check permissions
if($this->module_srl && !$this->grant->access){
return FALSE;
// integrate skin information of the module(change to sync skin info with the target module only by seperating its table)
$oModuleModel = &getModel('module');
Context::set('module_info', $this->module_info);
// Run
$output = $this->{$this->act}();
else {
return false;

// trigger call
$triggerOutput = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('moduleObject.proc', 'after', $this);
if(!$triggerOutput->toBool()) {
return false;

// execute an addon(call called_position as after_module_proc)
$called_position = 'after_module_proc';
$oAddonController = &getController('addon');
$addon_file = $oAddonController->getCacheFilePath(Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()?"mobile":"pc");

if(is_a($output, 'Object') || is_subclass_of($output, 'Object')) {

if (!$output->toBool()) return false;
// execute api methos of the module if view action is and result is XMLRPC or JSON
if($this->module_info->module_type == 'view'){
if(Context::getResponseMethod() == 'XMLRPC' || Context::getResponseMethod() == 'JSON') {
$oAPI = getAPI($this->module_info->module, 'api');
if(method_exists($oAPI, $this->act)) {
return true;

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