웹마스터 팁

BIND - DoS Vulnerability

2002.06.07 21:39


RedHat 7.x에서 DoS를 당할수 있는 BIND를 업하라고 연락 왔습니다.
Updated bind packages fix denial of service attack

Version 9 of the bind name prior to version 9.2.1 contain a denial of
service vulnerability.

BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is an implementation of the DNS
(Domain Name System) protocols.  Versions of BIND 9 prior to 9.2.1 have a bug
that causes certain requests to the BIND name server (named) to fail an
internal consistency check, causing the name server to stop responding to
requests.  This can be used by a remote attacker to cause a denial of
service (DOS) attack against name servers.

Red Hat Linux 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 shipped with versions of BIND vulnerable to
this issue.  All users of BIND are advised to upgrade to the errata
packages containing BIND 9.2.1 which is not vulnerable to this issue.
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