웹마스터 팁

아래 소스를 <head>와 </head>사이에 넣으세요.

<style type="text/css">
#s0, #s1, #s2, #s3, #s4, #s5, #s6, #s7, #s8, #s9
position:absolute; left:-10; top:-10; height:1; width:1;

<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var ns=(document.layers);
var ie=(document.all);
var w3=(document.getElementById && self.innerWidth && (window.pageXOffset>-1));

//my way of making sure the browser will have what I need

var allDivs      = new Array(10);
var documentWidth,documentHeight;

function initAll(){
        if(!ns && !ie && !w3)        return;

        for(dNum=0; dNum<10; ++dNum){
                if(ie)                allDivs[dNum]=eval('document.all.s'+dNum+'.style');
                else if(ns)        allDivs[dNum]=eval('document.layers["s'+dNum+'"]');
                else if(w3)        allDivs[dNum]=eval('document.getElementById("s'+dNum+'").style');

function moveTo(i,tempx,tempy){
        if (ie){
                documentWidth  =document.body.offsetWidth+document.body.scrollLeft-20;
        else if (ns){
        else if (w3){

                allDivs[i].top =tempy;


아래 소스를 <BODY>와 </body>사이에 넣으세요.
그림을 넣고 싶으실 때는 <div id="s0"><img src="그림 주소"></div>와 같이 태그를 써주세요.

<div id="s0" style="color:blue">☆</div>
<div id="s1" style="color:blue">★</div>
<div id="s2" style="color:blue">☆</div>
<div id="s3" style="color:blue">★</div>
<div id="s4" style="color:blue">☆</div>
<div id="s5" style="color:blue">★</div>
<div id="s6" style="color:blue">☆</div>
<div id="s7" style="color:blue">★</div>
<div id="s8" style="color:blue">☆</div>
<div id="s9" style="color:blue">★</div>

옆으로 날라간다;;;;;;