

서치? 검색부분을 가운데로 하고싶은데요 어떻게 하는 건가요? 소스 알려주세요ㅠㅠ


스킨 파일 올렸습니다

그리고  메모장으로 열어서 보여드릴게요


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/* here follows the brillant "no-extra-markup" clearing method devised by Tony Aslett - www.csscreator.com */
/* simply add the clearfix class to any containter that must enclose floated elements */
/* read the details of how and why this works at http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html */
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/* next a fix for the dreaded Guillotine bug in IE6 */
/* Hides from IE-mac \*/
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/* End hide from IE-mac */
/* end of "no-extra-markup" clearing method */
/* NHN (developers@xpressengine.com) */
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/* Board */
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/* Board Header */
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/* Category Tab */
margin:0 auto;
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/* Board List */
/* list.html */
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/* Board Write */

/* write_form.html */
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/* Extra Form */
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/* Board Read */

/* _read.html */
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/* Feedback (Trackback+Comment) */
/* _trackback.html | _comment.html */
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