page_full_width" class="col-xs-12" |cond="$__Context->page_full_width">
phpmyadmin구동이 잘안되네요...
2004.12.27 00:46
가보기면 알겠지만...
언어 선택화면까지는 나왔는데 로그인을 해야할 부분에
The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).
이렇게 뜸니다.
지금 http://blog.naver.com/agentsds/8697430과 http://www.nzeo.com/bbs/zboard.php?id=p_server&page=2&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=off&ss=on&sc=off&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=638
두페이지를 보며 따라하고있는데.
뒤와같은 오류가 떴습니다 커픔에는
#1450인가 하고 뜨다가
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'를 네이버 블러그와 같이
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';로 바꾸니 그 에러는 안뜨는데
The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).라고 뜨니
산넘어 산인것 같스니다.
The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).의 해석을 어찌해야할지 모르겠고 도데체 뭐가문제인지 궁금합니다.
프로트 페이지에는 php가 읽히지않아서.
config.inc.php파일을 메모장으로 보는데 전혀 정리가 안된것 처럼 보여서 제 실수 같은데..
어떤 실수인지 모르겠습니다.
아래 복사 할테니 뭐가 문제인지 잘 부탁드립니다.
암호는 제가 임의로 1234로 바꾼겁니다.
실제암호와는 다른..;
/* $Id: config.inc.php,v 2.47 2004/11/03 13:45:25 garvinhicking Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* phpMyAdmin Configuration File
* All directives are explained in Documentation.html
* Sets the php error reporting - Please do not change this line!
if (!isset($old_error_reporting)) {
@ini_set('display_errors', '1');
* Your phpMyAdmin url
* Complete the variable below with the full url ie
* http://www.your_web.net/path_to_your_phpMyAdmin_directory/
* It must contain characters that are valid for a URL, and the path is
* case sensitive on some Web servers, for example Unix-based servers.
* In most cases you can leave this variable empty, as the correct value
* will be detected automatically. However, we recommend that you do
* test to see that the auto-detection code works in your system. A good
* test is to browse a table, then edit a row and save it. There will be
* an error message if phpMyAdmin cannot auto-detect the correct value.
* If the auto-detection code does work properly, you can set to TRUE the
* $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] variable below.
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://doummal.info:80/phpMyAdmin/';
* Disable the default warning about $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] not being set
* You should use this if and ONLY if the PmaAbsoluteUri auto-detection
* works perfectly.
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] = FALSE;
* Disable the default warning that is displayed on the DB Details Structure page if
* any of the required Tables for the relationfeatures could not be found
$cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] = FALSE;
* The 'cookie' auth_type uses blowfish algorithm to encrypt the password. If
* at least one server configuration uses 'cookie' auth_type, enter here a
* passphrase that will be used by blowfish.
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '';
* Server(s) configuration
$i = 0;
// The $cfg['Servers'] array starts with $cfg['Servers'][1]. Do not use $cfg['Servers'][0].
// You can disable a server config entry by setting host to ''.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname or IP address
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = ''; // Path to the socket - leave blank for default socket
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp'; // How to connect to MySQL server ('tcp' or 'socket')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql'; // The php MySQL extension to use ('mysql' or 'mysqli')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE; // Use compressed protocol for the MySQL connection
// (requires PHP >= 4.3.0)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = ''; // MySQL control user settings
// (this user must have read-only
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = ''; // access to the "mysql/user"
// and "mysql/db" tables).
// The controluser is also
// used for all relational
// features (pmadb)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '1234'; // MySQL password (only needed
// with 'config' auth_type)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = ''; // If set to a db-name, only
// this db is displayed in left frame
// It may also be an array of db-names, where sorting order is relevant.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = ''; // Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['+ '+ 'pmadb'] = ''; // Database used for Relation, Bookmark and PDF Features
// (see scripts/create_tables.sql)
// - leave blank for no support
// DEFAULT: 'phpmyadmin'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = ''; // Bookmark table
// - leave blank for no bookmark support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // table to describe the relation between links (see doc)
// - leave blank for no relation-links support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // table to describe the display fields
// - leave blank for no display fields support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // table to describe the tables position for the PDF schema
// - leave blank for no PDF schema support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // table to describe pages of relationpdf
// - leave blank if you don't want to use this
// DEFAULT: 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // table to store column information
// - leave blank for no column comments/mime types
// DEFAULT: 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = ''; // table to store SQL history
// - leave blank for no SQL query history
// DEFAULT: 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE; // set to FALSE if you know that your pma_* tables
// are up to date. This prevents compatibility
// checks and thereby increases performance.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE; // whether to allow root login
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] // Host authentication order, leave blank to not use
= '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['+ 'rules'] // Host authentication rules, leave blank for defaults
= array();
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'+ '] = '';
$cfg['+ 'Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = '+ '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = ''; // 'phpmyadmin' - see scripts/create_tables.sql
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['bookmarktable'] = ''; // '+ 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['+ 'history'] = ''; // 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE;
= '';
= array();
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '+ '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = ''; // 'phpmyadmin' - see scripts/create_tables.sql
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['+ 'bookmarktable'] = ''+ '; // 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['+ 'Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = ''; // 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE;
= '';
= array();
// If you have more than one server configured, you can set $cfg['ServerDefault']
// to any one of them to autoconnect to that server when phpMyAdmin is started,
// or set it to 0 to be given a list of servers without logging in
// If you have only one server configured, $cfg['ServerDefault'] *MUST* be
// set to that server.
$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 1; // Default server (0 = no default server)
$cfg['Server'] = '';
* Other core phpMyAdmin settings
$cfg['OBGzip'] = 'auto'; // use GZIP output buffering if possible (TRUE|FALSE|'auto')
$cfg['PersistentConnections'] = FALSE; // use persistent connections to MySQL database
$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 300; // maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit)
$cfg['SkipLockedTables'] = FALSE; // mark used tables, make possible to show
// locked tables (since MySQL 3.23.30)
$cfg['ShowSQL'] = TRUE; // show SQL queries as run
$cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] = FALSE; // show a '+ 'Drop database' link to normal users
$cfg['Confirm'] = TRUE; // confirm 'DROP TABLE' & 'DROP DATABASE'
$cfg['LoginCookieRecall'] = TRUE; // recall previous login in cookie auth. mode or not
$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 1800; // validity of cookie login (in seconds)
$cfg['UseDbSearch'] = TRUE; // whether to enable the "database search" feature
// or not
$cfg['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors'] = FALSE; // if set to true, PMA continues computing multiple-statement queries
// even if one of the queries failed
$cfg['VerboseMultiSubmit'] = TRUE; // if set to true, PMA will show the affected rows of EACH statement on
// multiple-statement queries. See the read_dump.php file for hardcoded
// defaults on how many queries a statement may contain!
$cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] = FALSE; // allow login to any user entered server in cookie based auth
// Left frame setup
$cfg['LeftFrameLight'] = TRUE; // use a select-based menu and display only the
// current tables in the left frame.
$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator']= '__'; // Which string will be used to generate table prefixes
// to split/nest tables into multiple categories
$cfg['LeftFrameTableLevel'] = '1'; // How many sublevels should be displayed when splitting
// up tables by the above Separator
$cfg['ShowTooltip'] = TRUE; // display table comment as tooltip in left frame
$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasDB'] = FALSE; // if ShowToolTip is enabled, this defines that table/db comments
$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] = FALSE; // are shown (in the left menu and db_details_structure) instead of
// table/db names. Setting ShowTooltipAliasTB to 'nested' will only
// use the Aliases for nested descriptors, not the table itself.
$cfg['LeftDisplayLogo'] = TRUE; // display logo at top of left frame
$cfg['LeftDisplayServers'] = FALSE; // display server choice at top of left frame
$cfg['DisplayServersList'] = FALSE; // server choice as links
// In the main frame, at startup...
$cfg['ShowStats'] = TRUE; // allow to display statistics and space usage in
// the pages about database details and table
// properties
$cfg['ShowMysqlInfo'] = FALSE; // whether to display the "MySQL runtime
$cfg['ShowMysqlVars'] = FALSE; // information", "MySQL system variables", "PHP
$cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = FALSE; // information" and "change password" links for
$cfg['ShowChgPassword'] = FALSE; // simple users or not
$cfg['SuggestDBName'] = TRUE; // suggest a new DB name if possible (false = keep empty)
// In browse mode...
$cfg['ShowBlob'] = FALSE; // display blob field contents
$cfg['NavigationBarIconic'] = TRUE; // do not display text inside navigation bar buttons
$cfg['ShowAll'] = FALSE; // allows to display all the rows
$cfg['MaxRows'] = 30; // maximum number of rows to display
$cfg['Order'] = 'ASC'; // default for 'ORDER BY' clause (valid
// values are 'ASC', 'DESC'+ ' or 'SMART' -ie
// descending order for fields of type
// ascending order else-)
// In edit mode...
$cfg['ProtectBinary'] = 'blob'; // disallow editing of binary fields
// valid values are:
// FALSE allow editing
// 'blob' allow editing except for BLOB fields
// 'all' disallow editing
$cfg['ShowFunctionFields'] = TRUE; // Display the function fields in edit/insert mode
$cfg['CharEditing'] = 'input'+ ';
// Which editor should be used for CHAR/VARCHAR fields:
// input - allows limiting of input length
// textarea - allows newlines in fields
$cfg['InsertRows'] = 2; // How many rows can be inserted at one time
// For the export features...
$cfg['ZipDump'] = TRUE; // Allow the use of zip/gzip/bzip
$cfg['GZipDump'] = TRUE; // compression for
$cfg['BZipDump'] = TRUE; // dump files
$cfg['CompressOnFly'] = TRUE; // Will compress gzip/bzip2 exports on
// fly without need for much memory.
// If you encounter problems with
// created gzip/bzip2 files disable
// this feature.
// Tabs display settings
$cfg['LightTabs'] = FALSE; // use graphically less intense menu tabs
$cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = TRUE; // Use icons instead of text for the table display of a database (TRUE|FALSE|'both')
$cfg['+ 'PropertiesNumColumns'] = 1; // How many columns should be used for table display of a database?
// (a value larger than 1 results in some information being hidden)
$cfg['DefaultTabServer'] = 'main.php';
// Possible values:
// 'main.php' = the welcome page
// (recommended for multiuser setups)
// 'server_databases.php' = list of databases
// 'server_status.php' = runtime information
// 'server_variables.php' = MySQL server variables
// 'server_privileges.php' = user management
// 'server_processlist.php' = process list
$cfg['DefaultTabDatabase'] = 'db_details_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'db_details_structure.php' = tables list
// 'db_details.php' = sql form
// 'db_search.php' = search query
// 'db_operations.php' = operations on database
$cfg['DefaultTabTable'] = 'tbl_properties_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'tbl_properties_structure.php' = fields list
// 'tbl_properties.php' = sql form
// 'tbl_select.php = select page
// 'tbl_change.php = insert row page
* Export defaults
$cfg['Export']['format'] = 'sql'; // sql/latex/excel/csv/xml/xls
$cfg['Export']['compression'] = 'none'+ '; // none/zip/gzip/bzip2
$cfg['Export']['asfile'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['onserver'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['onserver_overwrite'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['+ 'remember_file_template'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['xls_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['xls_null'] = 'NULL'+ ';
$cfg['Export']['csv_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['csv_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['csv_separator'] = ';';
$cfg['Export']['csv_enclosed'] = '"';
$cfg['Export']['csv_escaped'] = '\';
$cfg['Export']['csv_terminated'] = 'AUTO';
$cfg['Export']['excel_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['excel_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['excel_edition'] = 'win'; // win/mac
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_columns'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_relation'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_comments'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_mime'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_null'] = 'textit{NULL}';
$cfg['Export']['latex_caption'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_data_label'] = 'tab:__TABLE__-data';
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure_label'] = 'tab:__TABLE__-structure';
$cfg['+ '+ 'Export']['sql_structure'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_disable_fk'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_use_transaction'] = FALSE;
$cfg['+ '+ 'Export']['sql_drop_database'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_drop_table'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_if_not_exists'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_auto_increment'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_backquotes'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_dates'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_relation'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_delayed'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_ignore'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_hex_for_binary'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_type'] = 'insert'; // insert/update/replace
$cfg['Export']['+ 'sql_extended'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_comments'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_mime'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_header_comment'] = ''; // n is replaced by new line
* Link to the official MySQL documentation.
* Be sure to include no trailing slash on the path.
* See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ for more information
* about MySQL manuals and their types.
$cfg['MySQLManualBase'] = 'http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en';
* Type of MySQL documentation:
* old - old style used in phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 and sooner
* searchable - "Searchable, with user comments"
* chapters - "HTML, one page per chapter"
* big - "HTML, all on one page"
* none - do not show documentation links
$cfg['MySQLManualType'] = 'searchable';
* PDF options
$cfg['PDFPageSizes'] = array('A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'letter', 'legal');
$cfg['PDFDefaultPageSize'] = 'A4';
* Language and charset conversion settings
// Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined
$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'en-iso-8859-1';
// Force: always use this language - must be defined in
// libraries/select_lang.lib.php
// $cfg['Lang'] = 'en-iso-8859-1';
// Default charset to use for recoding of MySQL queries, does not take
// any effect when charsets recoding is switched off by
// $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] or in language file
// (see $cfg['AvailableCharsets'] to possible choices, you can add your own)
$cfg['+ 'DefaultCharset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
// Allow charset recoding of MySQL queries, must be also enabled in language
// file to make harder using other language files than unicode.
// Default value is FALSE to avoid problems on servers without the iconv
// extension and where dl() is not supported
$cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] = FALSE;
// You can select here which functions will be used for charset conversion.
// Possible values are:
// auto - automatically use available one (first is tested iconv, then
// recode)
// iconv - use iconv or libiconv functions
// recode - use recode_string function
$cfg['RecodingEngine'] = 'auto';
// Specify some parameters for iconv used in charset conversion. See iconv
// documentation for details:
// http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/documentation/libiconv/iconv_open.3.html
$cfg['IconvExtraParams'] = '';
// Available charsets for MySQL conversion. currently contains all which could
// be found in lang/* files and few more.
// Charsets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently
// use some of these move them to the top.
$cfg['AvailableCharsets'] = array(
'+ 'gb2312',
* Customization & design
* The graphical settings are now located in themes/themename/layout.inc.php
$cfg['LeftPointerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the left panel pointer
// (used when LeftFrameLight is FALSE)
// see also LeftPointerColor
// in layout.inc.php
$cfg['BrowsePointerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the browse pointer
// see also BrowsePointerColor
// in layout.inc.php
$cfg['BrowseMarkerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the browse marker
// see also BrowseMarkerColor
// in layout.inc.php
$cfg['TextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) in edit mode
// (this value will be emphasized (*2) for sql
// query textareas and (*1.25) for query window)
$cfg['TextareaRows'] = 7; // textarea size (rows) in edit mode
$cfg['LongtextDoubleTextarea'] = TRUE; // double size of textarea size for longtext fields
$cfg['TextareaAutoSelect'] = TRUE; // autoselect when clicking in the textarea of the querybox
$cfg['+ 'CharTextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['CharTextareaRows'] = 2; // textarea size (rows) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['CtrlArrowsMoving'] = TRUE; // Enable Ctrl+Arrows moving between fields when editing?
$cfg['LimitChars'] = 50; // Max field data length in browse mode for all non-numeric fields
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtLeft'] = TRUE; // show edit/delete links on left side of browse
// (or at the top with vertical browse)
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtRight'] = FALSE; // show edit/delete links on right side of browse
// (or at the bottom with vertical browse)
$cfg['DefaultDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction
// (horizontal|vertical|horizontalflipped)
$cfg['DefaultPropDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction for altering/
// creating columns (tbl_properties)
// (horizontal|vertical)
$cfg['HeaderFlipType'] = 'css'; // table-header rotation via faking or css? (css|fake)
// NOTE: CSS only works in IE browsers!
$cfg['ShowBrowseComments'] = TRUE; // shows stored relation-comments in 'browse' mode.
$cfg['ShowPropertyComments']= TRUE; // shows stored relation-comments in 'table property' mode.
$cfg['RepeatCells'] = 100; // repeat header names every X cells? (0 = deactivate)
$cfg['QueryFrame'] = TRUE; // displays a link or icon in the left frame to open the querybox, and activates the querybox when clicking on [Edit] on the results page.
$cfg['QueryFrameJS'] = TRUE; // whether to use JavaScript functions for opening a new window for SQL commands.
// if set to 'false', the target of the querybox is always the right frame.
$cfg['QueryWindowWidth'] = 550; // Width of Query window
$cfg['+ 'QueryWindowHeight'] = 310; // Height of Query window
$cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] = FALSE; // Set to TRUE if you want DB-based query history.
// If FALSE, this utilizes JS-routines to display
// query history (lost by window close)
$cfg['QueryWindowDefTab'] = 'sql'; // which tab to display in the querywindow on startup
// (sql|files|history|full)
$cfg['QueryHistoryMax'] = 25; // When using DB-based query history, how many entries
// should be kept?
$cfg['BrowseMIME'] = TRUE; // Use MIME-Types (stored in column comments table) for
$cfg['MaxExactCount'] = 20000; // When approximate count < this, PMA will get exact count for
// table rows.
$cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] = TRUE; // Utilize DHTML/JS capabilities to allow WYSIWYG editing of
가보기면 알겠지만...
언어 선택화면까지는 나왔는데 로그인을 해야할 부분에
The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).
이렇게 뜸니다.
지금 http://blog.naver.com/agentsds/8697430과 http://www.nzeo.com/bbs/zboard.php?id=p_server&page=2&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=off&ss=on&sc=off&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=638
두페이지를 보며 따라하고있는데.
뒤와같은 오류가 떴습니다 커픔에는
#1450인가 하고 뜨다가
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'를 네이버 블러그와 같이
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';로 바꾸니 그 에러는 안뜨는데
The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).라고 뜨니
산넘어 산인것 같스니다.
The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).의 해석을 어찌해야할지 모르겠고 도데체 뭐가문제인지 궁금합니다.
프로트 페이지에는 php가 읽히지않아서.
config.inc.php파일을 메모장으로 보는데 전혀 정리가 안된것 처럼 보여서 제 실수 같은데..
어떤 실수인지 모르겠습니다.
아래 복사 할테니 뭐가 문제인지 잘 부탁드립니다.
암호는 제가 임의로 1234로 바꾼겁니다.
실제암호와는 다른..;
/* $Id: config.inc.php,v 2.47 2004/11/03 13:45:25 garvinhicking Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* phpMyAdmin Configuration File
* All directives are explained in Documentation.html
* Sets the php error reporting - Please do not change this line!
if (!isset($old_error_reporting)) {
@ini_set('display_errors', '1');
* Your phpMyAdmin url
* Complete the variable below with the full url ie
* http://www.your_web.net/path_to_your_phpMyAdmin_directory/
* It must contain characters that are valid for a URL, and the path is
* case sensitive on some Web servers, for example Unix-based servers.
* In most cases you can leave this variable empty, as the correct value
* will be detected automatically. However, we recommend that you do
* test to see that the auto-detection code works in your system. A good
* test is to browse a table, then edit a row and save it. There will be
* an error message if phpMyAdmin cannot auto-detect the correct value.
* If the auto-detection code does work properly, you can set to TRUE the
* $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] variable below.
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://doummal.info:80/phpMyAdmin/';
* Disable the default warning about $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] not being set
* You should use this if and ONLY if the PmaAbsoluteUri auto-detection
* works perfectly.
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri_DisableWarning'] = FALSE;
* Disable the default warning that is displayed on the DB Details Structure page if
* any of the required Tables for the relationfeatures could not be found
$cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] = FALSE;
* The 'cookie' auth_type uses blowfish algorithm to encrypt the password. If
* at least one server configuration uses 'cookie' auth_type, enter here a
* passphrase that will be used by blowfish.
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '';
* Server(s) configuration
$i = 0;
// The $cfg['Servers'] array starts with $cfg['Servers'][1]. Do not use $cfg['Servers'][0].
// You can disable a server config entry by setting host to ''.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname or IP address
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = ''; // Path to the socket - leave blank for default socket
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp'; // How to connect to MySQL server ('tcp' or 'socket')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql'; // The php MySQL extension to use ('mysql' or 'mysqli')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE; // Use compressed protocol for the MySQL connection
// (requires PHP >= 4.3.0)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = ''; // MySQL control user settings
// (this user must have read-only
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = ''; // access to the "mysql/user"
// and "mysql/db" tables).
// The controluser is also
// used for all relational
// features (pmadb)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '1234'; // MySQL password (only needed
// with 'config' auth_type)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = ''; // If set to a db-name, only
// this db is displayed in left frame
// It may also be an array of db-names, where sorting order is relevant.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = ''; // Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['+ '+ 'pmadb'] = ''; // Database used for Relation, Bookmark and PDF Features
// (see scripts/create_tables.sql)
// - leave blank for no support
// DEFAULT: 'phpmyadmin'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = ''; // Bookmark table
// - leave blank for no bookmark support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // table to describe the relation between links (see doc)
// - leave blank for no relation-links support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // table to describe the display fields
// - leave blank for no display fields support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // table to describe the tables position for the PDF schema
// - leave blank for no PDF schema support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // table to describe pages of relationpdf
// - leave blank if you don't want to use this
// DEFAULT: 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // table to store column information
// - leave blank for no column comments/mime types
// DEFAULT: 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = ''; // table to store SQL history
// - leave blank for no SQL query history
// DEFAULT: 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE; // set to FALSE if you know that your pma_* tables
// are up to date. This prevents compatibility
// checks and thereby increases performance.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE; // whether to allow root login
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] // Host authentication order, leave blank to not use
= '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['+ 'rules'] // Host authentication rules, leave blank for defaults
= array();
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'+ '] = '';
$cfg['+ 'Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = '+ '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = ''; // 'phpmyadmin' - see scripts/create_tables.sql
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['bookmarktable'] = ''; // '+ 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['+ 'history'] = ''; // 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE;
= '';
= array();
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = '+ '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = ''; // 'phpmyadmin' - see scripts/create_tables.sql
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['+ 'bookmarktable'] = ''+ '; // 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['+ 'Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = ''; // 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'+ '][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE;
= '';
= array();
// If you have more than one server configured, you can set $cfg['ServerDefault']
// to any one of them to autoconnect to that server when phpMyAdmin is started,
// or set it to 0 to be given a list of servers without logging in
// If you have only one server configured, $cfg['ServerDefault'] *MUST* be
// set to that server.
$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 1; // Default server (0 = no default server)
$cfg['Server'] = '';
* Other core phpMyAdmin settings
$cfg['OBGzip'] = 'auto'; // use GZIP output buffering if possible (TRUE|FALSE|'auto')
$cfg['PersistentConnections'] = FALSE; // use persistent connections to MySQL database
$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 300; // maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit)
$cfg['SkipLockedTables'] = FALSE; // mark used tables, make possible to show
// locked tables (since MySQL 3.23.30)
$cfg['ShowSQL'] = TRUE; // show SQL queries as run
$cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] = FALSE; // show a '+ 'Drop database' link to normal users
$cfg['Confirm'] = TRUE; // confirm 'DROP TABLE' & 'DROP DATABASE'
$cfg['LoginCookieRecall'] = TRUE; // recall previous login in cookie auth. mode or not
$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 1800; // validity of cookie login (in seconds)
$cfg['UseDbSearch'] = TRUE; // whether to enable the "database search" feature
// or not
$cfg['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors'] = FALSE; // if set to true, PMA continues computing multiple-statement queries
// even if one of the queries failed
$cfg['VerboseMultiSubmit'] = TRUE; // if set to true, PMA will show the affected rows of EACH statement on
// multiple-statement queries. See the read_dump.php file for hardcoded
// defaults on how many queries a statement may contain!
$cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] = FALSE; // allow login to any user entered server in cookie based auth
// Left frame setup
$cfg['LeftFrameLight'] = TRUE; // use a select-based menu and display only the
// current tables in the left frame.
$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator']= '__'; // Which string will be used to generate table prefixes
// to split/nest tables into multiple categories
$cfg['LeftFrameTableLevel'] = '1'; // How many sublevels should be displayed when splitting
// up tables by the above Separator
$cfg['ShowTooltip'] = TRUE; // display table comment as tooltip in left frame
$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasDB'] = FALSE; // if ShowToolTip is enabled, this defines that table/db comments
$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] = FALSE; // are shown (in the left menu and db_details_structure) instead of
// table/db names. Setting ShowTooltipAliasTB to 'nested' will only
// use the Aliases for nested descriptors, not the table itself.
$cfg['LeftDisplayLogo'] = TRUE; // display logo at top of left frame
$cfg['LeftDisplayServers'] = FALSE; // display server choice at top of left frame
$cfg['DisplayServersList'] = FALSE; // server choice as links
// In the main frame, at startup...
$cfg['ShowStats'] = TRUE; // allow to display statistics and space usage in
// the pages about database details and table
// properties
$cfg['ShowMysqlInfo'] = FALSE; // whether to display the "MySQL runtime
$cfg['ShowMysqlVars'] = FALSE; // information", "MySQL system variables", "PHP
$cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = FALSE; // information" and "change password" links for
$cfg['ShowChgPassword'] = FALSE; // simple users or not
$cfg['SuggestDBName'] = TRUE; // suggest a new DB name if possible (false = keep empty)
// In browse mode...
$cfg['ShowBlob'] = FALSE; // display blob field contents
$cfg['NavigationBarIconic'] = TRUE; // do not display text inside navigation bar buttons
$cfg['ShowAll'] = FALSE; // allows to display all the rows
$cfg['MaxRows'] = 30; // maximum number of rows to display
$cfg['Order'] = 'ASC'; // default for 'ORDER BY' clause (valid
// values are 'ASC', 'DESC'+ ' or 'SMART' -ie
// descending order for fields of type
// ascending order else-)
// In edit mode...
$cfg['ProtectBinary'] = 'blob'; // disallow editing of binary fields
// valid values are:
// FALSE allow editing
// 'blob' allow editing except for BLOB fields
// 'all' disallow editing
$cfg['ShowFunctionFields'] = TRUE; // Display the function fields in edit/insert mode
$cfg['CharEditing'] = 'input'+ ';
// Which editor should be used for CHAR/VARCHAR fields:
// input - allows limiting of input length
// textarea - allows newlines in fields
$cfg['InsertRows'] = 2; // How many rows can be inserted at one time
// For the export features...
$cfg['ZipDump'] = TRUE; // Allow the use of zip/gzip/bzip
$cfg['GZipDump'] = TRUE; // compression for
$cfg['BZipDump'] = TRUE; // dump files
$cfg['CompressOnFly'] = TRUE; // Will compress gzip/bzip2 exports on
// fly without need for much memory.
// If you encounter problems with
// created gzip/bzip2 files disable
// this feature.
// Tabs display settings
$cfg['LightTabs'] = FALSE; // use graphically less intense menu tabs
$cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = TRUE; // Use icons instead of text for the table display of a database (TRUE|FALSE|'both')
$cfg['+ 'PropertiesNumColumns'] = 1; // How many columns should be used for table display of a database?
// (a value larger than 1 results in some information being hidden)
$cfg['DefaultTabServer'] = 'main.php';
// Possible values:
// 'main.php' = the welcome page
// (recommended for multiuser setups)
// 'server_databases.php' = list of databases
// 'server_status.php' = runtime information
// 'server_variables.php' = MySQL server variables
// 'server_privileges.php' = user management
// 'server_processlist.php' = process list
$cfg['DefaultTabDatabase'] = 'db_details_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'db_details_structure.php' = tables list
// 'db_details.php' = sql form
// 'db_search.php' = search query
// 'db_operations.php' = operations on database
$cfg['DefaultTabTable'] = 'tbl_properties_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'tbl_properties_structure.php' = fields list
// 'tbl_properties.php' = sql form
// 'tbl_select.php = select page
// 'tbl_change.php = insert row page
* Export defaults
$cfg['Export']['format'] = 'sql'; // sql/latex/excel/csv/xml/xls
$cfg['Export']['compression'] = 'none'+ '; // none/zip/gzip/bzip2
$cfg['Export']['asfile'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['onserver'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['onserver_overwrite'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['+ 'remember_file_template'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['xls_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['xls_null'] = 'NULL'+ ';
$cfg['Export']['csv_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['csv_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['csv_separator'] = ';';
$cfg['Export']['csv_enclosed'] = '"';
$cfg['Export']['csv_escaped'] = '\';
$cfg['Export']['csv_terminated'] = 'AUTO';
$cfg['Export']['excel_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['excel_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['excel_edition'] = 'win'; // win/mac
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_columns'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_relation'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_comments'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_mime'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_null'] = 'textit{NULL}';
$cfg['Export']['latex_caption'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_data_label'] = 'tab:__TABLE__-data';
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure_label'] = 'tab:__TABLE__-structure';
$cfg['+ '+ 'Export']['sql_structure'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_disable_fk'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_use_transaction'] = FALSE;
$cfg['+ '+ 'Export']['sql_drop_database'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_drop_table'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_if_not_exists'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_auto_increment'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_backquotes'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_dates'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_relation'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_delayed'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_ignore'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_hex_for_binary'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_type'] = 'insert'; // insert/update/replace
$cfg['Export']['+ 'sql_extended'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_comments'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_mime'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_header_comment'] = ''; // n is replaced by new line
* Link to the official MySQL documentation.
* Be sure to include no trailing slash on the path.
* See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ for more information
* about MySQL manuals and their types.
$cfg['MySQLManualBase'] = 'http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en';
* Type of MySQL documentation:
* old - old style used in phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 and sooner
* searchable - "Searchable, with user comments"
* chapters - "HTML, one page per chapter"
* big - "HTML, all on one page"
* none - do not show documentation links
$cfg['MySQLManualType'] = 'searchable';
* PDF options
$cfg['PDFPageSizes'] = array('A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'letter', 'legal');
$cfg['PDFDefaultPageSize'] = 'A4';
* Language and charset conversion settings
// Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined
$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'en-iso-8859-1';
// Force: always use this language - must be defined in
// libraries/select_lang.lib.php
// $cfg['Lang'] = 'en-iso-8859-1';
// Default charset to use for recoding of MySQL queries, does not take
// any effect when charsets recoding is switched off by
// $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] or in language file
// (see $cfg['AvailableCharsets'] to possible choices, you can add your own)
$cfg['+ 'DefaultCharset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
// Allow charset recoding of MySQL queries, must be also enabled in language
// file to make harder using other language files than unicode.
// Default value is FALSE to avoid problems on servers without the iconv
// extension and where dl() is not supported
$cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] = FALSE;
// You can select here which functions will be used for charset conversion.
// Possible values are:
// auto - automatically use available one (first is tested iconv, then
// recode)
// iconv - use iconv or libiconv functions
// recode - use recode_string function
$cfg['RecodingEngine'] = 'auto';
// Specify some parameters for iconv used in charset conversion. See iconv
// documentation for details:
// http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/documentation/libiconv/iconv_open.3.html
$cfg['IconvExtraParams'] = '';
// Available charsets for MySQL conversion. currently contains all which could
// be found in lang/* files and few more.
// Charsets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently
// use some of these move them to the top.
$cfg['AvailableCharsets'] = array(
'+ 'gb2312',
* Customization & design
* The graphical settings are now located in themes/themename/layout.inc.php
$cfg['LeftPointerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the left panel pointer
// (used when LeftFrameLight is FALSE)
// see also LeftPointerColor
// in layout.inc.php
$cfg['BrowsePointerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the browse pointer
// see also BrowsePointerColor
// in layout.inc.php
$cfg['BrowseMarkerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the browse marker
// see also BrowseMarkerColor
// in layout.inc.php
$cfg['TextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) in edit mode
// (this value will be emphasized (*2) for sql
// query textareas and (*1.25) for query window)
$cfg['TextareaRows'] = 7; // textarea size (rows) in edit mode
$cfg['LongtextDoubleTextarea'] = TRUE; // double size of textarea size for longtext fields
$cfg['TextareaAutoSelect'] = TRUE; // autoselect when clicking in the textarea of the querybox
$cfg['+ 'CharTextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['CharTextareaRows'] = 2; // textarea size (rows) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['CtrlArrowsMoving'] = TRUE; // Enable Ctrl+Arrows moving between fields when editing?
$cfg['LimitChars'] = 50; // Max field data length in browse mode for all non-numeric fields
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtLeft'] = TRUE; // show edit/delete links on left side of browse
// (or at the top with vertical browse)
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtRight'] = FALSE; // show edit/delete links on right side of browse
// (or at the bottom with vertical browse)
$cfg['DefaultDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction
// (horizontal|vertical|horizontalflipped)
$cfg['DefaultPropDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction for altering/
// creating columns (tbl_properties)
// (horizontal|vertical)
$cfg['HeaderFlipType'] = 'css'; // table-header rotation via faking or css? (css|fake)
// NOTE: CSS only works in IE browsers!
$cfg['ShowBrowseComments'] = TRUE; // shows stored relation-comments in 'browse' mode.
$cfg['ShowPropertyComments']= TRUE; // shows stored relation-comments in 'table property' mode.
$cfg['RepeatCells'] = 100; // repeat header names every X cells? (0 = deactivate)
$cfg['QueryFrame'] = TRUE; // displays a link or icon in the left frame to open the querybox, and activates the querybox when clicking on [Edit] on the results page.
$cfg['QueryFrameJS'] = TRUE; // whether to use JavaScript functions for opening a new window for SQL commands.
// if set to 'false', the target of the querybox is always the right frame.
$cfg['QueryWindowWidth'] = 550; // Width of Query window
$cfg['+ 'QueryWindowHeight'] = 310; // Height of Query window
$cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] = FALSE; // Set to TRUE if you want DB-based query history.
// If FALSE, this utilizes JS-routines to display
// query history (lost by window close)
$cfg['QueryWindowDefTab'] = 'sql'; // which tab to display in the querywindow on startup
// (sql|files|history|full)
$cfg['QueryHistoryMax'] = 25; // When using DB-based query history, how many entries
// should be kept?
$cfg['BrowseMIME'] = TRUE; // Use MIME-Types (stored in column comments table) for
$cfg['MaxExactCount'] = 20000; // When approximate count < this, PMA will get exact count for
// table rows.
$cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] = TRUE; // Utilize DHTML/JS capabilities to allow WYSIWYG editing of
그리고 패스워드 부분에서 root의 비밀번호와 설정하신게 같아야 할껄요,,?;