웹마스터 팁
썸네일 방식으로 이미지 원본 주소 가져오기
2018.08.22 11:44
modules/document/document.item.php 파일에 getThumbnail() 함수를 참고하여 원본 이미지 주소를 가져오도록 하였습니다.
목적은 widget_lightgallery_skin 의 경우 첨부파일에 대해서만 작동을 하는데 첨부파일이 아닌 본문 삽입 이미지인 경우에도 작동하도록 하기 위함입니다.
/* 썸네일 방식으로 원본 이미지 주소 가져오기 */
function getThumbnail_oriSrc_min()
// Return false if the document doesn't exist
if(!$this->document_srl) return;
// If not specify its height, create a square
if(!$height) $height = $width;
// Return false if neither attachement nor image files in the document
if(!$this->get('uploaded_count') && !preg_match("!<img!is", $this->get('content'))) return;
// Get thumbnai_type information from document module's configuration
if(!in_array($thumbnail_type, array('crop','ratio')))
$config = $GLOBALS['__document_config__'];
$oDocumentModel = &getModel('document');
$config = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentConfig();
$GLOBALS['__document_config__'] = $config;
$thumbnail_type = $config->thumbnail_type;
// thumb_image 강제 지정 기능 - sejin7940 ( 120714 - 시작)
$args->document_srl = $this->document_srl;
$output = executeQuery('document.getDocument', $args, $this->columnList);
$thumb_image_srl = $output->data->thumb_image;
if($thumb_image_srl) {
// Find an iamge file among attached files if exists
if($this->get('uploaded_count')) {
$oFileModel = &getModel('file');
$file_list = $oFileModel->getFiles($this->document_srl);
if(count($file_list)) {
foreach($file_list as $file) {
if($thumb_image_srl == $file->file_srl) {
if(!preg_match("/\.(jpg|png|jpeg|gif|bmp)$/i",$file->source_filename)) continue;
$source_file = $file->uploaded_filename;
if(!file_exists($source_file)) $source_file = null;
else break;
return $source_file;
// thumb_image 강제 지정 기능 - sejin7940 ( 120714 - 끝)
// Define thumbnail information
// Target File
$source_file = null;
// Find an iamge file among attached files if exists
$oFileModel = &getModel('file');
$file_list = $oFileModel->getFiles($this->document_srl, array(), 'file_srl', true);
foreach($file_list as $file)
if($file->direct_download!='Y') continue;
if(!preg_match("/\.(jpg|png|jpeg|gif|bmp)$/i",$file->source_filename)) continue;
$source_file = $file->uploaded_filename;
if(!file_exists($source_file)) $source_file = null;
else break;
// If not exists, file an image file from the content
$content = $this->get('content');
$target_src = null;
preg_match_all("!src=(\"|')([^\"' ]*?)(\"|')!is", $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$cnt = count($matches);
$target_src = trim($matches[$i][2]);
if(!preg_match("/\.(jpg|png|jpeg|gif|bmp)$/i",$target_src)) continue;
if(preg_match('/\/(common|modules|widgets|addons|layouts)\//i', $target_src)) continue;
if(!preg_match('/^(http|https):\/\//i',$target_src)) $target_src = Context::getRequestUri().$target_src;
if(!$target_src) continue;
$source_file = $target_src;
return $source_file;
댓글 0
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